Procedural Directives
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Procedural Directives
A. Foundations and Basic Commitments
B. School Board Governance and Operations
C. General School Administration
D. Fiscal Management
- PD1 Activity Fund Audit Compliance Procedures
- PD2 Activity Funds, Internal Audits and Investigations
- PD3 Annual Budget Formulation
- PD4 Annual District Audit
- PD5 Budget Control Agent
- PD6 Debt Management Program
- PD7 Equipment Inventory
- PD8 Fixed Asset Inventory
- PD9 Fund Raising
- PD10 Grants and Applications for Grants
- PD11 Investments
- PD12 Liability Insurance for Contractors
- PD13 Operational Fund Cash Balance
- PD14 Payroll Procedures
- PD15 Per Pupil Expenditure Calculations (PPE)
- PD16 Purchase and Project Approval
- PD17 Purchasing/Procurement
- PD18 Signatory Authority for Contractual Agreements
- PD19 Stipends, Consultant Fees, and Per Diem
- PD20 Tax Compliance, Record Retention and Disclosure Procedures for Bonds and Notes
- PD21 Travel and Reimbursement
- PD22 Real Property/Land Acquisition
- PD23 Real Property/Land Disposition
E. Support Services
- PE1 Abbreviated Day Schedule
- PE2 APS Identity Standards: Producing Printed and Web Materials for Departments, Schools and Programs
- PE3 Building Access by Employees
- PE4 Cellular Telephones
- PE5 Data Security
- PE6 District-Owned Vehicles
- PE7 Emergency Dismissal
- PE8 Emergency Drills and Fire Marshal Inspections
- PE9 Emergency Hazard Reporting
- PE10 Food and Nutrition Services
- PE11 National School Meal Programs
- PE12 Hazardous Materials
- PE13 Key Authorization and Control
- PE14 Loaning Equipment
- PE15 Maintenance and Operations (M&O)
- PE16 Obtaining Custodial Services
- PE17 Online Content Accessibility
- PE18 Records Retention and Disposition Schedule
- PE19 Reporting On-the-Job Injuries
- PE20 School Police
- PE21 School Safety
- PE22 Security of Digital Information: Appropriate Access Controls
- PE23 Textbook Accounting Process
- PE24 Use of Private Vehicles on School Business
- PE26 Accessibility and Accommodations
F. Facilities Development
- PF1 Capital Master Plan: Review and Update Procedure
- PF2 Determination of Utilization and Capacity
- PF3 Facilities Planning and Construction: Major Projects Design and Approval
- PF4 On-Site Security Trailers
- PF5 Playground Modifications
- PF6 Portable Buildings Request and Relocation Process
- PF7 Real Property/Land Acquisition
- PF8 Real Property/Land Disposition
- PF9 School Attendance Areas
- PF10 School Names and Dedications: Selection and Change
- PF11 School Signs and Monuments
G. Personnel
- PG1 Background Checks and Fingerprinting
- PG2 Conflict of Interest
- PG3 Discrimination and Harassment: Employees
- PG4 Donation of Annual / Personal Leave
- PG5 Drug Free Workplace and Employee Drug and Alcohol Testing
- PG6 E-Mail Accounts for APS Retirees
- PG7 Employee Assistance Program Referrals
- PG8 Employee Code of Conduct
- PG9 Employee Technology Acceptable Use Policy
- PG10 Ethical Misconduct Reporting Requirements and Ethical Misconduct/Work History Check
- PG11 Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment (Title IX): Employees
- PG12 In-Service Release Time Guidelines
- PG13 Reasonable Restraint and Seclusion
- PG14 Reduction in Force
- PG15 Reporting Child Abuse, Neglect or Educational Neglect
- PG16 Return to Work from Extended Illness or Injury
- PG17 Salary Maintenance (Save Harmless)
- PG18 Section 504/ADA: Physical Access Process (for Students, Parents, and Employees with Disabilities)
- PG19 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act / Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance: Employees
- PG20 Selection and Retention of Employees – Return to Work
- PG21 Vacant Position Review Process
- PG22 Whistleblower Complaints
- Documentation for Crisis Intervention
- PG25 Password Management Procedure
H. Negotiations
I. Instruction
- PI1 Algebra 1 in Grade 8
- PI2 Creation of Instructional School Year Calendar
- PI3 Alternative Methods of Earning Credit
- PI4 Animals in School
- PI5 Awarding of Credit or Extra Credit for Non-Academic Activities
- PI6 Basis for Offering Credit
- PI7 Community Schools
- PI8 Community Sponsored Instructional Programs
- PI9 Controversial Issues and Outside Speakers
- PI10 Copyright Compliance
- PI11 Course Proposal Process
- PI12 Double Promotion
- PI13 Educational Support for Students with Long-Term Medical Absences Program
- PI14 End-of-Semester Testing Schedule and Activities
- PI15 Exemptions from Health or Physical Education Curriculum
- PI16 Federal Census: School Assistance in Federally-Affected Areas
- PI17 Flag Display and Pledge of Allegiance
- PI18 High School Equivalency Exam (HST)(GED Testing)
- PI19 Grade Reporting and Recording
- PI20 Graduation
- PI22 High School Credit Earned by Middle School Students
- PI23 High School Elective Credit
- PI24 Home Schooling
- PI25 Homework
- PI26 Honors and Advanced Placement Programs
- PI27 Human Sexuality and AIDS Instructional Material
- PI28 Identification of Students Needing Remediation and Academic Improvement Plans
- PI29 Indian Education Policies and Procedures (2024-25 School Year)
- PI30 Instructional Materials Adoption Selection Process
- PI31 Instructional Program
- PI32 Kindergarten Screening
- PI33 Library-Media: Disposition of Outdated or Damaged Materials
- PI34 Magnet Schools and Programs
- PI35 Middle School Curriculum Guidelines
- PI36 Parental Concerns About Instructional Print and Non-Print Material
- PI37 Placement of Modern and Classical Language Students
- Religious Issues and Holiday Practices
- PI38 Remediation of Student Learning
- PI21 Secondary Course Guidelines
- PI39 Student Grade Retention Process
- PI40 Student Enrollment and School Schedule Guidelines
- PI41 Selection of Library-Media-Print/Non-Print Material
- PI42 Student Insurance
- PI43 Student Teacher and Preservice Teacher Placement in School
- PI44 Teacher and Staff Qualifications and Training
- PI45 Tests and Examinations
- PI46 Textbook Disposal
- PI47 Transcript Evaluation
- Transcript Evaluation Matrix
- PI48 Twenty Day Counts
- PI49 Use of Videos and Other Instructional Audiovisual Media
- PI50 Volunteer Programs
- PI51 Final Course and Student Grade Changes
- PI54 Elementary School: Combo Class
I. Instruction: Special Education
The purpose of this manual is to inform and direct Albuquerque Public Schools personnel about requirements for special education. Albuquerque Public Schools personnel should follow the guidance outlined in this procedural directive to the extent that such guidance is consistent with the IDEA and its implementing regulations, state statutes and regulations, and does not impose a requirement that is not otherwise imposed by federal and/or state law.
J. Students
- PJ1 Administration of Medical Cannabis for Students in Schools
- PJ2 Administration of Medications at School
- PJ3 Administration of Naloxone in Schools
- PJ4 Admission Charge for Student Programs
- PJ5 Alcoholic Beverages at APS Sponsored Student Activities
- PJ6 Attendance
- PJ7 Banning Individuals from School Campuses
- PJ8 Bullying and Cyberbullying Prevention
- PJ9 Class Rings and Graduation Announcements
- PJ10 Communicable Diseases: Education of Students Who Are Infected or Are Carriers
- PJ11 Competitive Food Sales
- PJ12 Counseling and Consultant Services by non-APS Persons
- PJ13 Disability Discrimination: Students
- PJ14 Discrimination and Harassment: Students
- PJ15 Do Not Resuscitate Orders (DNR)
- PJ16 Enrollment of Students Affected by Boundary Changes
- PJ17 Enrollment: Kindergarten and First Grade
- PJ18 Enrolling Students Who have Completed a GED or Who Have Graduated from High School in a Foreign Country
- PJ19 Field Trips
- PJ20 Foreign Exchange and Non-Immigrant Foreign Students
- PJ21 Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment (Title IX): Students
- PJ22 Guidelines for Subject Related Contests and Competitions
- PJ23 Hazing
- PJ24 Immigrant Students Regardless of Documented Status
- PJ25 Immunization: Registration & Enrollment
- PJ26 Inquiries Regarding Student Information or Student Records
- PJ27 Married, Pregnant or Parenting Students
- PJ28 Medical Care of Students: General and Emergency
- PJ30 Non-Discrimination for Students: Gender Identity and Expression
- PJ31 Proof of Residency for Annual School Registration
- PJ32 Release of Students during the Instructional Day
- PJ33 Relations with Non-Albuquerque Public Schools Affiliated Service Providers Requested by Parents/Legal Guardians
- Released Time for Religious Instruction
- PJ34 Religious, Political, and Advocacy Student Clubs (Non-Curriculum Related)
- PJ35 Safe Schools and Relations with Law Enforcement Authorities
- PJ36 Section 504/ADA: Physical Access for Students, Parents, and Employees with Disabilities
- PJ37 School-linked and School-based Health Services
- PJ38 School Photographs and Yearbooks
- PJ39 Student and Staff Wellness: Coordinated School Health Approach
- PJ40 Student Acceptable Use of Technology
- Student Acceptable Use of Technology (Spanish)
- Student Acceptable Use of Technology (Vietnamese)
- PJ41 Student Discipline and Standards of Behavior
- PJ42 Student Dress
- PJ43 Student Fees, Fines, and Charges
- Student Fees, Fines, and Charges (Spanish)
- Student Fees, Fines, and Charges (Vietnamese)
- PJ44 Student Intervention Guidelines: Multi-Layered System of Supports (MLSS) and Student Assistance Team (SAT)
- PJ45 Restrictions Related to Controlled Substances, Alcohol, and Tobacco Use for Students Participating in Activities and Athletics
- PJ46 Student Placement
- PJ47 Student Searches
- PJ48 Student Smoking and/or Tobacco Use
- PJ49 Student Suicide: Prevention, Intervention and Postvention
- PJ50 Student Suspension, Long-Term Suspension, Expulsion, and Due Process Procedures (Exclusionary Discipline)
- PJ51 Student Use of District Issued Educational Technology
- Student Use of District Issued Educational Technology (Spanish)
- Student Use of District Issued Educational Technology (Vietnamese)
- PJ52 Student Withdrawal Before the School Year's End
- PJ53 Students Attending a School Outside their Attendance Boundaries
- PJ54 Student Work Permits
- PJ55 Yearbooks and Student Annuals: Confidentiality Issues
- PJ56 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act/Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance: Student
K. School-Community-Home Relations
- PK1 APS Inspection of Public Records (IPRA) Procedures
- PK2 Advertising, Gifts, Grants and Donations
- PK3 Buildings and Grounds: Non-School Use of Albuquerque Public Schools Facilities
- PK4 Charter Schools
- PK5 Child Custody Issues
- Archived - Citizen Committees
- PK6 Community Complaints and Inquiries
- PK7 Direct Legislative Appropriations
- PK8 Distributing or Posting Informational, Promotional and Instructional Materials and Campaign Solicitations
- PK9 Family and Community Engagement
- Family and Community Engagement (Spanish)
- Family and Community Engagement (Vietnamese)
- PK10 Parent Organizations and Booster Clubs
- PK11 Research and Survey Proposals
- PK12 School Campus Visits by Recruiters
- PK13 Visitors to Schools
- PK14 Military Children
- PK15 Employee Government Relations