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PJ9 Class Rings and Graduation Announcements

Schools may establish a committee to represent parents, students and staff members.

The committee may:

  • Send a letter to each company which has indicated a desire to offer its items and services for the high school.
  • Interviews may be granted to hear presentations and to observe such samples of items as necessary.
  • After such interviews have been completed, the committee will designate a successful individual and/or company.
  • Schools will establish programs and timeline to introduce the products to the student body.
  • Schools will establish a system and provide safeguards for money collected and for delivery of products to students.

The Procurement Code, Sections 13-1-28 through 13-1-199 N.M.S.A. 1978, imposes civil and criminal penalties for violations. In addition, the New Mexico criminal statutes impose felony penalties for illegal bribes, gratuities, and kick-backs.

There is no intent, direct or implied, that any student is required to select or to have a service provided by the designated individual and/or company. The individual student may select any individual or company to provide the class ring or announcements.

Cross Ref.: Board Policy D.03

Legal Ref.: 13-1-28 through 13-1-199 NMSA 1978

NSBA/NEPN Classification: DHA

Revised: May 1995
Revised: April 1996
Revised: April 1997

This page was last updated on: December 9, 2009.