J. Students
- PJ1 Administration of Medical Cannabis for Students in Schools
- PJ2 Administration of Medications at School
- PJ3 Administration of Naloxone in Schools
- PJ4 Admission Charge for Student Programs
- PJ5 Alcoholic Beverages at APS Sponsored Student Activities
- PJ6 Attendance
- PJ7 Banning Individuals from School Campuses
- PJ8 Bullying and Cyberbullying Prevention
- PJ9 Class Rings and Graduation Announcements
- PJ10 Communicable Diseases: Education of Students Who Are Infected or Are Carriers
- PJ11 Competitive Food Sales
- PJ12 Counseling and Consultant Services by non-APS Persons
- PJ13 Disability Discrimination: Students
- PJ14 Discrimination and Harassment: Students
- PJ15 Do Not Resuscitate Orders (DNR)
- PJ16 Enrollment of Students Affected by Boundary Changes
- PJ17 Enrollment: Kindergarten and First Grade
- PJ18 Enrolling Students Who have Completed a GED or Who Have Graduated from High School in a Foreign Country
- PJ19 Field Trips
- PJ20 Foreign Exchange and Non-Immigrant Foreign Students
- PJ21 Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment (Title IX): Students
- PJ22 Guidelines for Subject Related Contests and Competitions
- PJ23 Hazing
- PJ24 Immigrant Students Regardless of Documented Status
- PJ25 Immunization: Registration & Enrollment
- PJ26 Inquiries Regarding Student Information or Student Records
- PJ27 Married, Pregnant or Parenting Students
- PJ28 Medical Care of Students: General and Emergency
- PJ30 Non-Discrimination for Students: Gender Identity and Expression
- PJ31 Proof of Residency for Annual School Registration
- PJ32 Release of Students during the Instructional Day
- PJ33 Relations with Non-Albuquerque Public Schools Affiliated Service Providers Requested by Parents/Legal Guardians
- Released Time for Religious Instruction
- PJ34 Religious, Political, and Advocacy Student Clubs (Non-Curriculum Related)
- PJ35 Safe Schools and Relations with Law Enforcement Authorities
- PJ36 Section 504/ADA: Physical Access for Students, Parents, and Employees with Disabilities
- PJ37 School-linked and School-based Health Services
- PJ38 School Photographs and Yearbooks
- PJ39 Student and Staff Wellness: Coordinated School Health Approach
- PJ40 Student Acceptable Use of Technology
- Student Acceptable Use of Technology (Spanish)
- Student Acceptable Use of Technology (Vietnamese)
- PJ41 Student Discipline and Standards of Behavior
- PJ42 Student Dress
- PJ43 Student Fees, Fines, and Charges
- Student Fees, Fines, and Charges (Spanish)
- Student Fees, Fines, and Charges (Vietnamese)
- PJ44 Student Intervention Guidelines: Multi-Layered System of Supports (MLSS) and Student Assistance Team (SAT)
- PJ45 Restrictions Related to Controlled Substances, Alcohol, and Tobacco Use for Students Participating in Activities and Athletics
- PJ46 Student Placement
- PJ47 Student Searches
- PJ48 Student Smoking and/or Tobacco Use
- PJ49 Student Suicide: Prevention, Intervention and Postvention
- PJ50 Student Suspension, Long-Term Suspension, Expulsion, and Due Process Procedures (Exclusionary Discipline)
- PJ51 Student Use of District Issued Educational Technology
- Student Use of District Issued Educational Technology (Spanish)
- Student Use of District Issued Educational Technology (Vietnamese)
- PJ52 Student Withdrawal Before the School Year's End
- PJ53 Students Attending a School Outside their Attendance Boundaries
- PJ54 Student Work Permits
- PJ55 Yearbooks and Student Annuals: Confidentiality Issues
- PJ56 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act/Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance: Student