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PJ48 Student Smoking and/or Tobacco Use

Possession, use and/or distribution of tobacco, and all tobacco products, including, e-cigarettes, and nicotine-liquid containers anywhere on a school campus or at a school-related event is prohibited. The use, possession and/or distribution of tobacco products, including all tobacco products, e-cigarettes, and nicotine-liquid containers is prohibited in all district property, including, but not limited to:

  • School grounds, including athletic fields and other outdoor property
  • School buildings
  • School parking lots
  • School buses and other district vehicles
  • Off-campus school sponsored-events.
  • Administrative offices and other district-owned sites

The use, possession, and/or distribution of tobacco and all tobacco products are prohibited at any time, including non-school hours (24/7). Tobacco advertising also is prohibited anywhere on school grounds.


Tobacco is defined as any tobacco products made or derived from tobacco that is intended for human consumption, including any component, part or accessory of a tobacco product. This includes among other products: cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, roll-your own tobacco, dissolvable tobacco and smokeless tobacco.  E-cigarette means any electronic oral device, or any part of it, whether manufactured, distributed, marketed or sold as an e-cigarette, e-cigar, e-pipe or any other product, name or descriptor; but does not include any product regulated as a drug or device by the United States Food and Drug Administration.  Nicotine liquid container means a bottle or other container of any substance containing nicotine where the substance is sold, marketed or intended for use in an e-cigarette.

In addition, products designed or manufactured to imitate the products included in the definitions are prohibited, regardless of whether they contain tobacco or nicotine


The administration will develop a communication plan to notify students, staff and visitors of the Smoke and Tobacco Free Schools policy including information in student and employee handbooks and will be included in announcements at school-sponsored or school-related events. Appropriate tobacco-free schools signage will be posted in buildings and on school property in a manner and location that adequately informs students, staff and visitors of the policy.


Students found possessing, distributing or using tobacco and tobacco products are subject to the provisions of the student handbook. Students will face progressive disciplinary action, beginning with supportive options to promote positive student outcomes such as tobacco education or referral to counseling, parent conferences and school or community service. Parents/guardians will be notified of all violations and actions taken by the school. Referrals to resources to help staff and students overcome tobacco addictions shall be provided to those who are found to be in violation.


All district employees are expected to cooperate in the enforcement of this policy. Student violations shall be reported to administrative personnel.


Tobacco prevention shall be taught in required health education classes in accordance with the New Mexico Health Education Content Standards with Benchmarks and Performance Standards.


The district may monitor enforcement of the policy and the impact on student tobacco use by reviewing results of the biennial New Mexico Youth Risk and Resiliency Survey, tracking student violations and utilizing data to plan appropriate prevention and enforcement efforts.


Lawful possession or use by a minor of a tobacco-cessation product approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration shall be permitted by students following the Administration of Medications at School policy.

The prohibitions do not apply to an adult when possession or use of the tobacco products are for demonstration purposes as a necessary instructional component of a tobacco prevention or cessation program that is approved by the school.

Board of Education Position: 

  • Board of Education President

Administrative Position:

  • Superintendent


Legal Cross Ref.:

  • Every Student Succeeds Act
  • NM Stat § 24-16-1   
  • NMAC through

Board Policy Cross Ref.:                        

Procedural Directive Cross Ref.:         

NSBA/NEPN Classification:         JICG, ADC, IHAMA

Revised: May 1995
Revised: April 1996
Revised: May 1997
Reviewed: April 22, 2019
Revised: April 26, 2019

This page was last updated on: December 9, 2009.