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School Delays and Asynchronous Learning Days

Find information about delays, asynchronous learning days, and early releases because of emergencies, snow, icy roads, and other situations.

Children Playing in Snow

About Weather-Related Delays and Asynchronous Learning

APS has moved to asynchronous learning on days schools are closed due to inclement weather. What that means is that rather than getting a day off from school, APS students will be expected to complete lessons at home. Students who don’t have access to a digital device or the internet will be given additional time to complete assignments in class when they return. APS employees, except for teachers and education paraprofessionals, will be expected to report to work as soon as safely possible. Teachers and educational assistants may work from home or at their school on those days

The decision to delay school or switch to asynchronous learning due to inclement weather is not taken lightly.

As early as 2:30 a.m., APS Police and Student Transportation Services are on the road determining whether roads are clear enough to provide safe routes for school buses loaded with children. They're checking for snow, ice and poor visibility on roads stretching across the district's 1,200 square miles. If conditions don't improve, APS will make the decision to delay school or move to asynchronous learning before the first school buses head out to pick up kids.

Announcement Timeline

  • 2-Hour Delays: By 5:30 a.m.
  • Asynchronous Learning: By 7 a.m., no later than 8 a.m.
  • Asynchronous Learning following a 2-Hour Delay: By 8 a.m.
  • Early Dismissal: By 11:30 a.m.

Where to Find Information

  • Emergency alerts on
  • Social Media: Twitter, Facebook
  • Media: KOB, KRQE, KOAT, KUNM, KANW or the Albuquerque Journal.

About Delays, Asynchronous Learning, Early Dismissal

2-Hour Delays: Abbreviated Schedule

Two-hour delays are called when severe weather causes street conditions that would endanger student and school employee safety. The abbreviated day schedule is a shortened school day.

  • School begins 2 hours later than the regular schedule.
  • School bus pick-up times are 2 hours later than the normal pick-up time.
  • School ends at the regular time.

East Mountain Schools Abbreviated Schedule

Students who will have a delayed start time when APS East Mountain Schools are delayed:

  • Students who attend APS East Mountain Schools.
  • All Manzano High School students: Students living in the East Mountains as well as Albuquerque.

The following will be canceled on abbreviated days:

  • Zero hour activities
  • All Special Education Preschool Classrooms, morning and afternoon classes.
  • Career Enrichment Center classes. Please note: if the delay is for East Mountain Schools only, CEC classes are cancelled ONLY for Manzano students. All other CEC students must attend.
  • Early College Academy will run from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Asynchronous Learning

Following the decision to implement an abbreviated schedule, weather conditions occasionally worsen to the point that makes it necessary to close the schools and move to asynchronous learning.

  • Parents will receive a call and/or email from SchoolMessenger.
  • When APS schools are closed for the day, all evening activities are canceled on that day.

East Mountain Schools Cancellations

Students who will have asynchronous learning when APS East Mountain Schools are in asynchronous learning:

  • Students who attend APS East Mountain Schools.
  • Students who attend Manzano High School who live in the East Mountains. (Manzano High School students living in Albuquerque are required to attend classes.)
  • In the event that East Mountain Schools are put on an abbreviated day in the morning, and then that decision is changed to move to asynchronous learning, Manzano High will stay on an abbreviated day regardless of the East Mountain Schools schedule.

Early Dismissal

If severe weather conditions develop during the school day, students may be dismissed early.

  • In the event that students are dismissed early, parents will be notified through SchoolMessenger.
  • When APS schools are dismissed early, all evening activities are also canceled.

APS East Mountain Schools Include

An "East Mountain Schools" cancellation may not affect all Manzano High School students because Manzano High School serves students who live in the East Mountains and students that live in Albuquerque.

This page was last updated on: December 9, 2009.