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APS User Password

Learn how to reset your APS User Password and other information about password requirements.

Changing Your Password

New employees must change their password before logging into APS systems. If you have not received your login information from Human Resources yet, please call the Technology Service Desk at (505) 830-8080.
  1. Go to Self-Service Password Management
  2. Click on "Change Password"
  3. Enter your current username and password (e.g. e123456, MyPa$$word)
  4. Enter your new password in the Password and Confirm fields
  5. Click Submit

Employee Password Requirements

Your new password must: 

  • Have a minimum length of 8 characters
  • NOT include your first or last name
  • You will not be able to reuse your previous 4 passwords.
  • Use 3 of the following 4 characters (Complexity):
    • Uppercase character (e.g., A‐Z)
    • Lowercase character (e.g., a‐z)
    • Numeric character (0-9)
    • Non-alphanumeric character such as @, $, !, etc. 

Password Reset FAQs

Help! My Account is Locked!

  • Your account will be locked after 20 failed login attempts and you will have to wait 15 minutes before you can try again. 
  • You can go to Self-Service Password Management to unlock your account.
  • Or, you can call the Technology Service Desk at (505) 830-8080 to unlock your account.

I locked myself out of APS. Can I reset my password?

  1. Yes. If a computer is available, you can go to Self-Service Password Management.
  2. Click the “Change Your Password?” link.
  3. Follow prompts and change your password.
  4. You can also call Technology Service Desk at (505) 830-8080.

Is the password case sensitive?

Yes, the password is case sensitive. The system recognizes upper case letters as upper case, and lower case letters as lower case. For example, it reads “A” as “A” and “f” as “f”.

I forgot my password. What do I do now?

  1. Click the “Change Your Password?” link at Self-Service Password Management.
  2. Enter your APS Employee or Student ID, if you set up a profile already answer the questions.
  3. Click Verify to continue. If you did not setup your profile, follow the prompts.

Who else should have my password?

Keep your password secure by memorizing it and being the only one who knows it. No one else should ever be given access to your password.

Service Desk FAQs

Do I have to call Technology Service Desk to change my password?

No, you can go to Self-Service Password Management at any time and change your password. You can also set up your profile there to better secure your digital identity.

Employees can also place a service ticket at our self-service website Cherwell. Cherwell can only be accessed on an APS network or a VPN client.

When I call the Technology Service Desk, will I have to enter any information?

Yes. When you call the Technology Service Desk, the system will ask you to enter your employee ID number (e.g. e123456) or your student ID number..

Employee Password FAQs

How often do I have to change my password?

You can change your password as often as once a day, but the system requires you to change it every 365 days. And you may only change your password once per day.

If you need to change your password for security reasons more than one time in a day, you must call the Technology Service Desk at (505) 830-8080.

Can I use my employee ID as part of my password?

No, this is not a valid password and won’t work.

Self-Service Password Management Profile FAQs

Should I set up my profile on Self-Service Password Management?

Yes, we recommend setting up you profile to better secure your digital identity.

What are security questions in the profile used for?

  1. In case you forget your APS password or lock yourself out of the system, go to Self-Service Password Management.
  2. Click “Unlock Account,” enter your APS employee ID, enter your answers to the established security questions to verify your identity.
  3. Your account will be unlocked. Only you know which questions you selected and the answers you entered.

Are the security questions case sensitive?

No, the security questions are not case sensitive. Upper and lower case letters are recognized as the same letter. For example, “A” and “a” are both read as the letter A.

I forgot the answers to my security questions.

The Technology Service Desk can help you reset your password and reset your profile security questions.

PW Reset is a portal for APS users to update their user password and profile.

This page was last updated on: December 7, 2016.