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PJ43 Student Fees, Fines, and Charges

There shall be no student fees or charges in the Albuquerque Public Schools for required courses. In cases where the student exercises choice as to the specific project, material, or design, the student may be required to provide the materials. In instances where the student provides tools or materials, the tools or materials become his/her property.

All fees and charges for courses shall be published for the student’s review prior to enrollment in the course. Schools shall follow the district fee schedule when determining course fees and charges. When possible, schools should provide prior and regular notification to students regarding fees and fines.

Albuquerque Public Schools may allow for one of the following provisions if a student cannot afford a fee, fine or charge:

  • The student fee may be waived by the school or district
  • The student and teacher may work collaboratively to find a source of funding for the fee, fine or charge or
  • The student may work with the teacher and/or school to earn funds to pay for the fee, fine or charge
  • A restorative conversation process may be used to address the fine, fee or charge

Optional Activities

Charges for enrichment assignments in optional activities shall be permitted. Any optional charge shall be approved by the appropriate associate superintendent.

In all cases provisions shall be made for students of limited means. Equal assignments shall be provided as alternatives without stigma or discrimination. Students shall not be restricted from class activities because of inability to pay.

Lost or Damaged Instructional Materials

Albuquerque Public Schools may hold a student responsible for any lost or damaged instructional material or equipment that was in the student’s possession. Before a student is held responsible, there shall be evidence in writing that the student was given responsibility for the material.

Lost or Damaged Student Technology Devices

Student technology devices and AC power adaptors will be inspected and/or collected at the end of each school year and at the end of 12th grade. If a student transfers out of APS during the school year, the device will be collected at that time. Whenever feasible, students will retain the same device each year while enrolled at APS until the device is replaced as part of the regular multi-year replacement cycle.

Failure to turn in your assigned device may result in the student being charged a replacement cost.

If a device and/or AC power adaptor has been defaced or damaged beyond the normal wear, the student or family may be charged a fee for repairs or replacements. Technology shall maintain a list of current fees and charges. This list will be available on the APS website, and schools will make the charges available to families. Families may also be charged for replacements if devices are lost or stolen. Damage may occur accidentally, and theft is possible even under a watchful eye. Students should notify administration as soon as possible of damage or loss so an investigation may take place. If a student device is not returned at the required time periods, the administration will work with parents/guardians to ensure this equipment is returned in a timely manner. Devices are equipped with theft-recovery capabilities.  In addition, they are only to be used by authorized aps.eduusers. 

Student Financial Obligations

Albuquerque Public Schools may withhold the grades, diploma, or transcripts of the student responsible for damage or loss of any instructional material, student technology devices, or equipment until the parent/legal guardian, or student has paid for the damage or loss. When a parent/legal guardian is determined to be indigent according to guidelines established by the New Mexico Public Education Department, the district shall work with the parent/legal guardian, or student to develop an alternative program in lieu of payment. In no case is the cost of replacement of lost or damaged instructional materials or equipment, such as classroom sets of textbooks or reference materials, to be shared among a group.

Students may have financial obligations for the following:

  • Library -- damaged, lost, stolen materials
  • Textbooks -- lost, stolen, damages to textbooks
  • Student devices- chromebooks, iPads and similar technology
  • Classroom materials and school property
  • Athletics – lost or damaged uniforms, equipment, or trainer supplies
  • Extracurricular -- fundraising monies, uniforms, other fees
  • Cafeteria – food services charges and expenses

Consequences for Non-Payment

A student may be prohibited from participating in the school’s graduation exercises until all financial obligations are met.

The district reserves the right to refer delinquent charges and accounts to a collection agency

Fines and Charges for Overdue, Damaged, or Lost Materials

Library Services and Instructional Materials shall determine appropriate fines and charges for damaged or lost instructional and library materials. Technology shall determine appropriate fines and charges for damaged or lost student devices.                                                                                                                                                                         

All school staff shall encourage student responsibility for care of library and instructional materials and student technology. School principals are required to make reasonable collection efforts when devices are not returned.

Administrative Position: 

  • Associate Superintendent of Equity, Instruction, Innovation and Support
  • Chief Information and Strategy Officer 
  • Associate Superintendents for Leadership and Learning

Department Director:

  • Director of Library Services
  • Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction
  • Executive Director of Educational Technology
  • Executive Director of Technology
  • School Principals


Legal Cross Ref.:

  • §22-1-4 NMSA 1978
  • §22-15-10 NMSA 1978

Board Policy Cross Ref.:

Procedural Directive Cross Ref.:


NSBA/NEPN Classification: JQA

Revised: May 1995
Revised: April 1996
Revised: June 1997
Revised: July 2006
Reviewed: September 24, 2010
Reviewed: October 15, 2010
Reviewed: November 8, 2010
Reviewed: July 14, 2021
Revised: July 21, 2021

This page was last updated on: December 9, 2009.