Weather Alert: 2-hour Delay for East Mountain Schools - Monday, Jan. 13, 2025
PJ37 School-linked and School-based Health Services
Independent health care providers may offer services for students on campus (school-based) or at a location within the school community (school-linked). The purpose of this procedural directive is to ensure that there is alignment with district goals and programs; and that issues regarding liability, confidentiality, and consent for services have been addressed. Students shall not be required to use the services offered by independent health care providers.
Parents/legal guardians may decline school-based or school-linked health services for their child.
To Initiate or Expand School-Based or School-Linked Health Services:
The school community shall conduct an assessment to determine the health needs of students, as required by the Educational Plan for Student Success (EPSS)/Instructional Program Review (IPR).
Independent health care providers who desire to implement or expand health services in Albuquerque Public Schools, to address the EPSS identified needs, shall first contact the Health and Wellness Department.
Independent health care providers shall be required to complete a Proposal to Provide School-Linked or School-Based Health Services that requires information about: intent, description and scope of services, service schedule, service location(s), fees, funding sources, licenses/credentials, and liability coverage. This proposal shall be sent for review to the Health and Wellness Department.
Within thirty 30 days of receiving the Proposal to Provide School-Linked or School-Based Health Services, staff specialists in the Health and Wellness Department shall review the proposal to determine program efficacy. Health and Wellness staff specialists shall consult with other departments when appropriate. They shall consult with the Health and Wellness Department to determine alignment with district and school goals and programs.
The school health services team shall complete the School Request to Receive School-Linked or School-Based Health Services and shall be responsible to present the request for review, modification and adoption to any appropriate school committee or council.
Upon receipt of the School Request for School-Linked and School-Based Health Services, the director of Health and Wellness shall prepare a memorandum of understanding between Albuquerque Public Schools and the health clinic to ensure that services, liability coverage, and the background screening checks required by state law are met. This memorandum of understanding shall be reviewed and approved by the assistant superintendent for school and community support, the superintendent and the district’s legal counsel. Agreement to the terms in the memorandum of understanding shall be a requirement for operation of the health clinic on district property.
Services that have district-wide implications, involve multiple schools, obligate Albuquerque Public Schools fiscal resources and/or other commitments, shall be presented to the superintendent, or his/her designee, for approval.
Services may commence only once the memorandum of understanding has been approved by all appropriate parties.
Services shall be jointly monitored and evaluated, with input from the principal, by the Health and Wellness Department, assistant superintendent for school and community support and the service providers on a regular basis, or at least annually as per the services contract. The decision to continue services shall be based upon the appropriateness of services provided as determined through data collection, the provider’s cooperation with district policies and goals and the health needs that continue to be identified in the EPSS.
Services Provided
Albuquerque Public Schools shall not interfere with the physician-patient relationship. Independent health care providers, who are qualified under applicable state standards to provide services, may provide school-linked and school-based health services as outlined in their memorandum of understanding with the district.
Contraceptives shall not be distributed by Albuquerque Public Schools.
Guidelines for the Practitioner
Practitioners shall comply with state statutes and regulations, including those from the New Mexico Office of Adolescent School Health, when administering health care services to patients at school-based of school-linked health clinics. These include, but are not limited to processes and procedures regarding:
- visits to the health clinic
- services provided at the health clinic
- examinations and medical tests
- education, counseling and communication
- prescriptions
- post-examination sessions and follow-up visits
Administrative Position: Assistant Superintendent for School and Community Support
Department Director: Director of Health and Wellness
Legal Cross Ref.:
- §24-8-1 NMSA 1978 et. seq.
- New Mexico Office of Adolescent School Health regulations
Board Policy Cross Ref.:JL4 – School-Linked and School-Based Health Services Clinics
Procedural Directive Cross Ref.:Counseling, Consultant and Other-Mental Health Services by Contracted and Non-Contracted Persons
- Proposal to Provide School-Linked or School-Based Health Services (Please contact Health & Wellness)
- School Request to Receive School-Linked or School-Based Health Services (Please contact Health & Wellness)
NSBA/NEPN Classification: JLC
Approved: September 26, 1987
Revised: January 17, 1990
Revised: February 20, 1996
Revised: March 1, 2000
Reviewed: September 24, 2010
Reviewed: October 15, 2010
Reviewed: November 8, 2010
Revised: November 12, 2010