PJ39 Student and Staff Wellness: Coordinated School Health Approach
General Provisions
Albuquerque Public Schools shall maintain a district wellness approach that follows the coordinated school health approach. Albuquerque Public Schools recognizes that a coordinated school health and wellness approach connects health with academic success, supports student and staff wellness, and contributes to student academic achievement. Albuquerque Public Schools shall strive to utilize the histories, language, and cultures of our families, community and students as the foundation of a coordinated school health approach that ensures every student is eager to be a world-class citizen. Collaborative decision-making processes shall be incorporated on district and school-level School Health Advisory Councils.
The approach shall be culturally responsive and will focus on increasing academic opportunities by eliminating barriers that affect students’ readiness to learn. Albuquerque Public Schools shall promote a healthy, safe learning and working environment that provides students and staff with the skills, social support, and environmental reinforcement they need to adopt long-term, health promoting behaviors that can improve student achievement and assist staff in meeting the needs of students.
Family, School and Community Engagement
In line with a coordinated school health approach, Albuquerque Public Schools shall create a school environment that promotes student health and supports academic achievement through effective partnerships among families, schools and communities.
The district shall establish and maintain a School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) whose membership represents all school levels (elementary, middle and high), and the cultural diversity of Albuquerque Public Schools. Membership should include equal representation of family/ student/community membership and Albuquerque Public Schools employee members. Membership shall include:
- At least one Board of Education member
- Family(ies)/Parent(s)
- Representative(s) from the Food and Nutrition Services Department
- Albuquerque Public Schools administrator(s)
- School staff
- Student(s)
- Community member(s)
- Representative(s) from each of the components of the coordinated school health approach
The Albuquerque Public Schools School Health Advisory Council shall provide advice and counsel to the Albuquerque Public Schools leadership, Superintendent and Board of Education on the development, revision, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the district’s wellness policy. In addition, the district School Health Advisory Council may be asked to make recommendations regarding issues and topics related to the eight components of the coordinated school health approach. The Albuquerque Public Schools School Health Advisory Council shall meet for one or more of these purposes at least bi-annually and report progress to the Board of Education bi-annually.
At the request of the Superintendent, the School Health Advisory Council shall be responsible for recommending a list of topics/issues that the council will work on the next year and submit them for consideration by district leadership. Topics/issues may include, but not limited to:
- The promotion of physical activity opportunities for students, before, during and/or after school.
- The promotion of Smart Snack Nutrition Standards as stated in the Albuquerque Public Schools Competitive Food Sales Board Policy and Procedural Directive.
- Guidance for school sponsored fundraisers during normal school hours that meet guidelines as stated in the competitive food sales Albuquerque Public Schools Board Policy and Procedural Directive.
- Ensure K-12 health education curriculum is aligned to the New Mexico Health Education Standards and Benchmarks with Performance Standards.
- Ensure K-12 physical education curriculum is aligned to the New Mexico Physical Education Standards and Benchmarks with Performance Standards.
- Support the behavioral health needs of all students in the educational process.
- Ensure schools are in compliance with the Public Education Department requirements for Site Safety Plans.
- Support health services needs of students in the educational process.
- Ensures an equitable work environment and a work environment that meets the American with Disabilities Act for all staff.
- Provide recommendations to ensure that school wellness programs are measured.
- Ensure that schools provide site wellness information to the community through school wellness profiles.
- Ensure that the district Academic Master Plan aligns with a coordinated school health approach.
Each school shall establish and maintain a school-level School Health Advisory Council. Each principal shall designate a committee charged with establishing recommendations that are culturally sensitive and are focused on student and staff wellness. Recommendations may include, but are not limited to: family and community engagement, nutrition, physical activity, physical education, health education, healthy and safe environments, school counseling/social and emotional wellbeing, health services, and staff wellness. This committee can be combined with an existing committee (such as the safety committee) or be a separate school health advisory council/wellness committee. This committee shall consist of:
- Principal and/or assistant principal
- Family member(s) who are not also staff working in the school
- School food service staff
- School staff (such as school nurse, counselors, social workers, teachers, etc.)
- Student(s)
- Community member(s)
School level School Health Advisory Councils shall include one or more family and community members who are not also staff working in the school.
School Educational Plans for Student Success will include specific family engagement activities targeted towards student wellness within each component of the Coordinated School Health approach.
School level School Health Advisory Councils shall:
- Review the school’s Wellness Profile annually and
- Make recommendation to the school principal regarding programs and activities to support the school’s coordinated school health approach.
District and school level School Health Advisory Councils will utilize the Albuquerque Public School Family and Community Engagement Board policy and procedural directive as guidance for their efforts and recommendations.
Albuquerque Public Schools shall integrate programs that provide access to a variety of nutritious, affordable and appealing meals and snacks for students; nutrition education; and an environment that promotes healthy eating behaviors.
In recognition of the role that nutrition in supporting academic performance and quality of life, schools shall provide adequate opportunities to be able to encourage and support healthy eating by students.
Principals shall ensure that all foods and beverages made available through vending machines, a la carte, student stores, food vendors, snack bars, and school-sponsored fundraisers before, during and after normal school hours shall minimally meet United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Smart Snack Nutrition Standards set forth in New Mexico Administrative Code and district procedural directive. Albuquerque Public Schools Food and Nutrition Services Department shall ensure that foods and beverages sold or served in the school meal programs are in compliance with federal and state statutes and regulations.
Schools shall provide nutrition education activities that align with the New Mexico Health Education Content Standards with Benchmarks and Performance Standards.
Physical Activity
Physical activity is conducted for health and wellness reasons and should not be withheld or used as a punishment.
Physical activity is not a replacement for physical education. In addition to the Physical Education and Health Education Content Standards, schools shall provide opportunities for all students to participate in before, during and/or after school physical activity programs outside of physical education programs. These may include, but are not limited to:
- 10-minute “brain breaks/energizers” integrated into curriculum
- Safe Routes to School encouragement and education activities
- Intramurals
- Family fitness nights
- After school clubs and activities
- Interscholastic athletics (at the secondary level)
Competitive and non-competitive physical activity opportunities that are developmentally appropriate in nature shall be offered to all students. Schools shall provide education on the health benefits of physical activity that align with both the New Mexico Health Education and Physical Education Content Standards with Benchmarks and Performance.
Physical Education
Albuquerque Public Schools shall provide students with physical education to assure that all students are able to learn and develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to be physically active.
Schools shall provide a planned, sequential, physical education curriculum that provides the optimal opportunity for students to:
- Learn and develop skills,
- Increase knowledge and attitudes necessary to personally decide to participate in lifetime healthful physical activity, and is
- Aligned to the Physical Education Content Standards with Benchmarks and Performance Standards.
Physical education classes will be sequential, building from year to year, and content will include motor skills, concepts and strategies, engagement in physical activity, physical fitness, responsible behavior and benefits of physical activity. In addition, physical education classes will be aligned to the New Mexico Physical Education Content Standards with Benchmarks and Performance Standards.
A high quality physical education program improves overall student health and enhances student academic achievement. Every student shall have opportunities to participate in physical education, including students with disabling conditions (Adapted PE) and those in alternative education programs.
Health Education
Albuquerque Public Schools shall provide a comprehensive health education curriculum to provide opportunities for students to acquire health literacy and life skills.
Schools shall provide a planned, sequential, health education curricular framework that addresses the Albuquerque Public Schools Health Education Units of Study and is aligned to the New Mexico Health Education Content Standards with Benchmarks and Performance Standards.
For related issues and school exemptions, schools shall follow district procedures outlined in the “Human Sexuality and AIDS Instructional Material” and the “Exemptions from Health or Physical Education Curriculum” that addresses for instruction on HIV”.
Healthy and Safe Environment
Albuquerque Public Schools shall promote a positive school climate and culture that facilitates teaching and learning in a healthy and safe environment before, during and after school that:
- Focuses on the whole child,
- Promotes personal growth and healthy personal relationships, and
- Provides freedom from discrimination and abuse including bullying prevention and intervention.
Albuquerque Public Schools shall promote a climate and culture before, during and after school for students, teachers, staff, parents and community members that support academic achievement.
All Albuquerque Public Schools sites shall develop and utilize guidelines for a Site Safety Plan, which will be reviewed and updated annually. The plan shall include prevention, policies and procedures, preparedness, response, and recovery that focuses on supporting healthy and safe environments. Plans shall be submitted to the Student, Family and Community Supports Division and Albuquerque Public Schools School Police for annual approval.
Families shall be notified annually at registration of where they can access information regarding school emergencies. Schools shall perform twelve (12) emergency drills annually, at different times during the school day including while students are in the classroom and at lunch/recess. Emergency drills shall consist of nine (9) fire drills, (2) lockdown drills and one (1) evacuation drill at the intervals set forth in the Emergency Drills and Fire Marshal Inspection Board Policy and Procedural Directive.
All Albuquerque Public Schools sites shall provide safety procedures and appropriate training for students, teachers, parents, and staff. These trainings shall support personal safety and a violence/harassment-free environment. Example of trainings include: OSHA, child abuse, suicide prevention, bullying, lockdown, and lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) sensitivity.
All Albuquerque Public Schools district buildings and grounds, structures, buses and equipment will meet current state and local statutes, regulations and standards.
All Albuquerque Public Schools facilities shall abide by district policies and procedural directives which create and promote an environment free of tobacco or tobacco products, alcohol and other drugs.
Implementation of school-wide prevention programs and supports shall be based on each school’s needs and best practices in coordination with the Albuquerque Public Schools Student, Family and Community Supports Division.
School Counseling/Social and Emotional Wellbeing
Albuquerque Public Schools, shall provide services to maintain and/or improve student’s mental, emotional, behavioral and social health.
Albuquerque Public Schools shall collaborate with students, families, staff and community to influence student success by building awareness and promoting strategies focused on maintaining and/or improve student mental health.
Schools shall have an active Health and Wellness Team that meets regularly, to address student specific and school-wide issues as outlined in the Albuquerque Public Schools Health and Wellness Team Manual. It is recommended that teams meet at least every two weeks. The core members of each Health and Wellness Team may include the school nurse, school counselor, teacher(s) and school administrator. Other mental health professionals (i.e. Crossroad Counselors, school based health center clinicians, contracted Community Mental Health Providers, etc. – note: special education school social workers and school psychologists may participate if the student is a special education student) attend Health and Wellness Team meetings when their services are requested.
Schools shall have a documented procedure in place for students to request assistance with any social-emotional need. In turn, all school staff shall have annual training and information on this procedure and others to support student safety and wellbeing including the following:
- Child abuse and neglect procedure,
- Health and Wellness Team referrals, and
- School-specific social and emotional resources.
Schools shall follow the Board policy and procedural directive on Bullying and Cyberbullying Prevention.
Schools shall have an individual student safety plan for students that are exhibiting behaviors that could impact the safety of the students and/or staff.
Schools shall implement and measure a comprehensive counseling program as outlined in the Albuquerque Public Schools Comprehensive School Counseling Program Guide.
Schools shall follow the Board policy and procedural directive on Intervention with a Potential Suicide.
Health Services
Albuquerque Public Schools shall provide health services that include activities addressing the health needs of students to promote student well-being, optimal development, and strong educational outcomes.
Health services shall follow best practices and enforce state requirements (such as immunization and communicable disease requirements) in partnership with students, parents, staff and community. Albuquerque Public School health service personnel shall follow standards of care for their specific role group as per state statutes and regulations. School personnel should reference the NM School Health Manual for comprehensive guidelines as well as all applicable Albuquerque Public Schools policy and procedural directives.
Health service programs shall meet all reporting, record-keeping and confidentiality requirements of state and federal statutes and regulations.
Staff Wellness
Albuquerque Public Schools shall promote activities that help maintain and improve the health of staff, contributing to improved morale and a greater personal commitment to the goals of the district. These activities shall:
- Promote the physical, emotional and mental health of employees,
- prevent disease and disability, and
- Provide opportunities for staff to learn and practice skills to make personal decisions about health-enhancing daily habits.
The Albuquerque Public Schools Human Resource Department, shall 1) provide staff with information related to exercise, stress management and nutrition and 2) encourage and provide opportunities for staff to participate in health promotion activities and events that focusing on exercise, stress management and nutrition.
Implementation and Assessment
Each school shall participate in an annual School Wellness Profile that will promote public transparency. The Wellness Progress Report shall be posted on the Albuquerque Public Schools web site each fall for the prior school year. The profile report shall include one or more indicators for:
- Family, School and Community Engagement
- Nutrition
- Physical Education/Physical Activity
- Health Education
- Healthy and Safe Environment
- School Counseling/Social and Emotional Wellbeing
- Health Services
- Staff Wellness
Each principal shall designate a committee (SHAC or other existing committee) which will be charged with reviewing the school’s Wellness Progress Report, planning and implementing activities to support all of the indicators as well as the school’s student wellness goals with its Educational Plan for Student Success
For the purposes of this procedural directive, “adapted physical education” means a physical education instructional program that is developed and implemented for an individual with a disability.
For the purposes of this procedural directive, “brain breaks/energizers” means simple 1-2 minute mind and body challenges that help to regaining focus in the classroom.
For the purposes of this procedural directive, coordinated school health approach” means the framework for linking health and education. The focus is healthy and successful students. There are eight interactive components of coordinated school health: health education; physical education and activity; nutrition; social and emotional well-being; healthy and safe environment; health services; staff wellness; and family, school and community engagement.
For the purposes of this procedural directive, “educational plan for student success (EPSS)” means a year-long plan designed to guide Albuquerque Public Schools towards meeting the annual measurable objectives established by the Public Education Department.
For the purposes of this procedural directive, “family, school and community engagement” means an integrated family, school and community approach for enhancing the health and well-being of students by establishing a district and school-level school health advisory councils that has the responsibility to make recommendations to the local school board in the development or revision, implementation, and assessment of the wellness policy.
For the purposes of this procedural directive, “fund raiser” means a sale on a school campus to benefit a school or school organization of beverage or food products limited by a United States Department of Agriculture school meal program for use, consumption or sale during the school day in competition with school meals. A fundraiser may be conducted only for up to one school day on two occasions per semester or trimester term in a school that participates in United States department of agriculture school meal programs. The wellness policy implemented through 6.12.6 NMAC shall include annual assurances to the New Mexico public education department of compliance with limitations on “fund raisers” pursuant to this subsection and subject to review as part of the administrative review of a school food authority.
For the purposes of this procedural directive, “health and wellness team (HAWT)” means an internal “System of Care Model” which is implemented throughout the Albuquerque Public Schools district. The core members of the HAWTs are school counselors, and school nurses, with other appropriate Albuquerque Public Schools staff when needed. Administrators participate as they are able. These individuals work in a collaborative manner to provide consultation and resources to one another, identify and assess student referrals, determine intervention plans, and monitor student progress and program outcomes.
For the purposes of this procedural directive, “health education” means the instructional program that provides the opportunity to motivate and assist all students to maintain and improve their health, prevent disease, and reduce health-related risk behaviors. It allows students to develop and demonstrate increasingly sophisticated health-related knowledge, attitudes, skills, and practices. It meets the content standards with benchmarks and performance standards as set forth in 6.29.6 NMAC.
For the purposes of this procedural directive “health literacy” means the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make health decisions.
For the purposes of this procedural directive, “health services” means a broad scope of services, provided by qualified professional heath care providers, which address the physical and mental health needs of students.
For the purposes of this procedural directive, “healthy and safe environment” means a healthy school environment conducive to teaching and learning. It supports a total learning experience that promotes personal growth, healthy interpersonal relationships, wellness, and freedom from bullying, discrimination and abuse for all students.
For the purposes of this procedural directive, “nutrition” means programs that provide access to a variety of nutritious and appealing meals and snacks that accommodate the health and nutrition needs of all students.
For the purposes of this procedural directive, “physical activity” means body movement of any type which include recreational, fitness, and sport activities.
For the purposes of this procedural directive, “physical education” means the instructional program that provides cognitive content and learning experiences in a variety of activity areas. It provides the opportunity for all students to learn and develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to personally decide to participate in a lifetime of healthful physical activity. It meets the content standards with benchmarks and performance standards as set forth in Section 6.29.9 NMAC.
For the purposes of this procedural directive, “Safe Routes to School” means a national program that is designed to create safe, convenient, and fun opportunities for children to bicycle and walk to and from school. The goal is to reverse the decline in children walking and bicycling to school, increase kids' safety and reverse the alarming nationwide trend toward childhood obesity and inactivity.
For the purposes of this procedural directive, “school counseling/social and emotional wellbeing” means services provided to maintain or improve students’ mental, emotional, behavioral, and social health. It includes a comprehensive school counseling program that is a collaborative effort between the school counselor, families and other educators to create an environment promoting student achievement.
For the purposes of this procedural directive, “School Wellness Profile” means the summary of indicators, made available to the public, in each of the coordinated school health components.
For the purposes of this procedural directive, “Smart Snack Nutrition Standards” means the standards set by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for the sale of competitive foods and beverages sold to students on school campuses or school sponsored events during the school day as defined by the USDA (JL5 Competitive Food Sales).
For the purposes of this procedural directive, “staff wellness” means opportunities for school staff to improve their health status through activities such as health assessments, health education and health-related fitness activities. These opportunities encourage school staff to pursue a healthy lifestyle that contributes to their improved health status, improved morale, and a greater personal commitment to the school's overall coordinated school health approach.
Administrative Position:
Executive Director of Student, Family and Community Support/
Executive Director of Human Resources
Department Director:
Director of Coordinated School Health
Cross References:
Legal Cross Ref.: NMAC
NMAC 6.29.6
NMAC 6.29.9
Board Policy Cross Ref.:
- AD Tobacco Free Schools
- JI6 – Bullying Prevention
- JL – Student and Staff Wellness and Welfare
- KB – Family and Community Engagement
Procedural Directive Cross Ref.:
- Safe Schools and Relations with Law Enforcement Authorities
- Human Sexuality and AIDS Instructional Materials
- Exemptions from Health or Physical Education Curriculum
- Bullying and Cyber Bullying Prevention
- Intervention with a Potential Suicide
- Competitive Food Sales
- Family and Community Engagement
- Food and Nutrition Services
- Emergency Drills and Fire Marshal Inspections
- Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment: Students
- Non-Discrimination: Gender Identify and Expression
- Student Smoking and/or Tobacco Use
NSBA/NEPN Classification: ADF, IHAMD
Reviewed: September 24, 2010
Reviewed: October 15, 2010
Reviewed: November 8, 2010
Approved: November 12, 2010
Reviewed: May 6, 2016
Reviewed: May 17, 2016
Revised: May 20, 2016