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Student and Staff Wellness: Coordinated School Health Approach - November 2010 Revision

Notice: This policy was reviewed, revised, and/or renamed. We provide this revision for historic purposes only. Please see our current policies and procedural directives.

Albuquerque Public Schools shall maintain a district wellness program which follows the coordinated school health model.   Albuquerque Public Schools recognizes that a coordinated school health and wellness program connects health and academics and supporting student and staff wellness contributes to academic achievement through a quality, safe learning and working environment.

The program shall be culturally proficient and focus on increasing academic opportunities by eliminating barriers that affect students’ readiness to learn.  Albuquerque Public Schools shall promote a healthy, safe learning and working environment that provides students and staff with the skills, social support, and environmental reinforcement they need to adopt long-­term, health ­promoting behaviors that can improve student achievement and assist staff in meeting the needs of students.

Family, School and Community Involvement

In line with a coordinated school health approach, Albuquerque Public Schools shall create a total school environment that promotes student health and supports academic achievement through effective partnerships among families, schools and communities.

The district shall establish and maintain a School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) that consists of:

  • at least one Board of Education member
  • parent(s)
  • personnel from the Food and Nutrition Services Office
  • Albuquerque Public Schools administrator(s)
  • school staff
  • student(s)
  • community member(s)
  • a representative from each of the components of the coordinated school health program

The Albuquerque Public Schools School Health Advisory Council shall operate according to the adopted APS School Health Advisory Council Operating Procedures.

The Albuquerque Public Schools School Health Advisory Council focus shall provide advice and counsel to the Superintendent and Board of Education on the development, revision, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the district’s wellness policy.

The Albuquerque Public Schools School Health Advisory Council shall meet for this purpose at least bi-annually and report progress to the Board of Education bi-annually.

The Albuquerque Public Schools School Health Advisory Council shall be responsible for recommending the following:

  • Guidelines to provide physical activity opportunities to students, before, during and/or after school.
  • Nutrition guidelines for a la carte offerings minimally meeting guidelines as stated in the competitive food sales rule.
  • Guidelines for school sponsored fund raisers during normal school hours minimally meeting guidelines as stated in the competitive food sales rule.
  • Guidelines for food and nutrition as outlined in state regulation.
  • Guidelines for school sponsored fund raisers before and after school hours ensuring that at least fifty percent (50%) of the offerings shall be healthy choices as stated in the competitive food sales rule.
  • Guidelines for a planned, sequential, K-12 health education curriculum that addresses the physical, mental, emotional, and social dimensions of health and is aligned to the health education content standards with benchmarks and performance standards as set forth in NMAC 6.29.6.
  • Guidelines for a planned, sequential K-12 physical education curriculum that provides the optimal opportunity for all students to learn and develop skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to personally decide to participate in lifetime healthful physical activity and is aligned to the physical education content standards with benchmarks and performance standards as set forth in NMAC.
  • A plan addressing the behavioral health needs of all students in the educational process by focusing on students’ social and emotional well-being.
  • A Site Safety Plan  at each site focused on supporting health and safe environments and including but not necessarily limited to prevention, policies and procedures, and tactical emergency response.
  • A plan addressing the health services needs of students in the educational process.
  • A plan addressing the staff wellness needs of all staff that minimally ensures an equitable work environment and meets the American with Disabilities Act.
  • A plan for measuring implementation and evaluation of the wellness program.
  • Guidelines for encouraging healthful eating and reduction of school/district dependence on profits from foods of little nutritional value.
  • Increase community awareness of student health needs.


The Albuquerque Public Schools wellness program shall integrate programs that provide access to a variety of nutritious, affordable and appealing meals and snacks for students; nutrition education; and an environment that promotes healthy eating behaviors.

The wellness program shall promote the role of nutrition in academic performance and quality of life, and to ensure the adoption of school programs and practices which provide adequate opportunities to be able to encourage and support healthy eating by students.

Principals shall ensure that all foods and beverages made available through vending machines, a la carte, student stores, food vendors, snack bars, and school-sponsored fundraisers before, during and after normal school hours shall minimally meet nutrition standards set forth in New Mexico Administrative Code and district procedural directive. Albuquerque Public Schools Food and Nutrition Services Department shall ensure that foods and beverages sold or served in the school meal programs are in compliance with federal and state statutes and regulations.

Schools shall provide nutrition education activities that align with the New Mexico Administrative Code.

Please refer to the “Food and Nutrition Services Procedural Directive” for more information regarding nutrition.

Physical Activity

The Albuquerque Public Schools wellness program shall integrate physical activity to provide students with increased opportunities to engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity before, during and/or after school.

In addition to the Physical Education and Health Education Content Standards, schools shall provide opportunities for all students to participate in before, during and/or after school physical activity programs outside of physical education programs.  These may include, but are not limited to:

  • 10-minute “brain breaks” integrated into curriculum
  • Safe Routes to School encouragement and education activities
  • intramurals
  • clubs
  • at the secondary level, interscholastic athletics

Those opportunities shall offer diverse and developmentally appropriate activities for all students of a competitive and non-competitive nature.

Schools shall provide education on the health benefits of physical activity that align with the New Mexico administrative code.

Physical Education

Albuquerque Public Schools, as part of its wellness program, shall provide students with physical education using appropriate practices to assure that all students are able to learn and develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to be physically active.

Schools shall provide a planned, sequential, physical education curricular framework that provides the optimal opportunity for students to learn and develop skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to personally decide to participate in lifetime healthful physical activity, and is aligned to the Physical Education Content Standards with Benchmarks and Performance Standards.

Health Education

Albuquerque Public Schools, as part of its wellness program, shall provide a comprehensive health education curriculum to provide opportunities for students to acquire life skills in order to attain personal, family, community, consumer and environmental health.

Schools shall provide a planned, sequential, health education curricular framework that addresses the physical, mental, emotional and social dimensions of health, and is aligned to the Health Education Content Standards with Benchmarks and Performance Standards.

Schools shall follow district procedures outlined in “Human Sexuality and AIDS Instructional Material” and “Exemptions from Health or Physical Education Curriculum for instruction on HIV” and related issues, and student exemption from parts of the health education curriculum that addresses sexuality.

Healthy and Safe Environment

Albuquerque Public Schools shall promote that the physical and aesthetic surroundings and the psychosocial climate and culture of the school support a total learning experience that promotes personal growth, healthy interpersonal relationships, wellness and freedom from discrimination and abuse.

Albuquerque Public Schools shall promote a climate and culture before, during and after school for students, teachers, staff, parents and community members that support academic achievement.

All Albuquerque Public Schools sites shall develop and utilize guidelines for a Site Safety Plan. The plan shall include prevention policies and procedures and tactical emergency response plans that focus on supporting healthy and safe environments.

Schools shall perform twelve (12) emergency drills annually, including while students are in the classroom and at lunch/recess.  Emergency drills shall consist of nine (9) fire drills, (2) lockdown drills and one (1) evacuation drill at the intervals set forth in New Mexico administrative code.

All Albuquerque Public Schools facilities shall provide safety procedures and appropriate training for students, teachers, parents, and staff that support personal safety and a violence/harassment-free environment (such as OSHA, child abuse, suicide prevention, bullying, lockdown, and gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender (GLBT)).

All Albuquerque Public Schools district buildings and grounds, structures, buses and equipment will meet current state and local statutes, regulations and standards.

All Albuquerque Public Schools facilities shall abide by district policies and procedural directives which create and promote an environment free of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs.

Implementation of  school-wide prevention programs and supports shall be based on needs of each school and best practices in coordination with the Albuquerque Public Schools Health and Wellness Department.

Social and Emotional Wellbeing

Albuquerque Public Schools, as part of its wellness program, shall provide services to maintain and/or improve student’s mental, emotional, behavioral and social health.

Albuquerque Public Schools shall collaborate with students, parents, staff and community to influence student success by building awareness and promoting strategies to maintain and/or improve student mental health.

School wellness plans shall include activities addressing the behavioral health needs of all students in the educational process by focusing on students’ social and emotional well-being.  This section of the wellness plan shall include prevention, early intervention, and tertiary intervention.

Schools shall have an active Health/Mental Health Team that meets regularly, at least every two weeks, to address student specific and school-wide issues as outlined in the Albuquerque Public Schools Health/Mental Health Team Manual.  The core members of each H/MH Team are the school nurse, school counselor, school social worker and as needed, school administrator.  Other mental health professionals (i.e. school psychologists, Albuquerque Public Schools Family Counselors, Crossroad Counselors, and contracted Community Mental Health Providers) attend H/MH Team meetings when their services are requested.

Schools shall have a documented procedure in place for students to request assistance when needed, and all school staff shall have annual information on this procedure in conjunction with review of other related procedures (i.e., child abuse & neglect).

Schools shall follow the bully prevention policy and procedural directive.

Schools shall have an individual student safety plan for students that are exhibiting behaviors that could impact the safety of the students and/or school.

Schools shall implement and measure a comprehensive counseling program as outlined in the Albuquerque Public Schools Comprehensive School Counseling Program Guide.

Schools shall follow the district suicide prevention protocol.

Health Services

Albuquerque Public Schools, as part of its wellness program, shall provide coordinated, accessible health and mental health services for students, families and staff.

School wellness plans shall include activities addressing the health services needs of students in the educational process.

Services provided shall follow best practices in partnership with students, parents, staff and community.

Albuquerque Public Schools personnel shall follow standards of care of each role group and applicable Albuquerque Public Schools policy and procedural directives.

Health service programs shall meet all reporting, record-keeping and confidentiality requirements of state and federal statutes and regulations.

Staff Wellness

Albuquerque Public Schools shall promote activities that help maintain and improve the health of staff, contributing to improved morale and a greater personal commitment to the school's overall coordinated school health approach.  These activities shall promote the physical, emotional and mental health of employees as well as to prevent disease and disability by providing opportunities for staff to learn and practice skills to make personal decisions about health-enhancing daily habits.

School wellness plans shall include activities addressing staff wellness needs that minimally insures an equitable work environment and meets requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Part III.

The Albuquerque Public Schools Wellness Manager, in consultation with the staff wellness committee, the executive director of Human Resources, or his/her designee, and other department support as necessary, shall 1) provide staff with information related to exercise, stress management and nutrition and 2) shall encourage and provide opportunities for staff to participate in health promotion activities and events focusing on exercise, stress management and nutrition.

Other School-Based Activities Designed to Promote Student Wellness

Wellness program goals shall be considered and supported in planning all district and school-based activities in order to provide consistent and positive wellness messages conducive to a healthy lifestyle.

Plan for Measuring Implementation and Evaluation

One or more persons within the school district, and at each school, is charged with operational responsibility for ensuring that the district and each school fulfills the district’s wellness policy and procedural directive.  In Albuquerque Public Schools, a Wellness Manager shall assist in the implementation, integration, evaluation, and coordination of school wellness policies and programs.

The district School Health Advisory Council shall assist school district personnel with general oversight of all aspects of the district’s wellness program, in accordance with the district’s goals and initiatives Each principal shall designate a committee charged with the wellness plan content oversight.  This committee can be combined with an existing committee (such as the safety committee) or a separate school health advisory council/wellness committee.  This committee shall consist of:

  • principal and/or assistant principal
  • parent(s)
  • school food service staff
  • school staff
  • student(s)
  • community member(s)

Each school level health advisory council shall complete and submit  required monitoring, planning and evaluation documentation to the district wellness manager, as requested.  This includes, but is not limited to, a wellness policy implementation progress checklist and wellness implementation plan.

The Health & Wellness Department shall maintain a database of school level prevention/intervention programs and supports and approves outside programs to ensure appropriateness in accordance with District goals and initiatives.  This information shall be obtained from schools, the APS Communications Office and other departments.


For purposes of this procedural directive, “a la carte” means food and beverage items sold during the lunch period by the Albuquerque Public Schools Food and Nutrition Services Department.  Other a la carte food and beverage items may be sold during lunch only as part of the curriculum, such as DECA, if a food permit license is obtained through the City of Albuquerque and safety and sanitation practices followed.

For purposes of this procedural directive, “fundraisers” means food sales that are done, regardless of the time of day, to raise funds for the school, activity, club or athletics.

For purposes of this procedural directive, “physical activity” means body movement of any type which includes recreational, fitness and sport activities.  Physical activity is a component of, but is not a substitute for, quality physical education.  Physical education is one source, but should not be the only source of physical activity before, during and/or after school.

For purposes of this procedural directive, “physical education” means  the instructional content, process, and performance standards for physical education based on New Mexico standards.

For purposes of this procedural directive, “health education” means the instructional content, process, and performance standards for health education based on NM standards.

For the purpose of this procedural directive, “healthy and safe environment” means the physical and aesthetic surroundings and the psychosocial climate and culture of the school.

For the purpose of this procedural directive, “social and emotional well-being” means the services and supports provided to maintain and/or improve student’s mental, emotional, behavioral and social health.

For purposes of this procedural directive, “health services” means services provided for students to appraise, protect, and promote individual, family and community health.  These include, but are not limited to, preventive services, education, emergency care, referrals, management of acute and chronic health problems, and services that promote and provide optimum sanitary conditions for a safe school facility and school environment.

For the purposes of this procedural directive, “site safety plan” means a site level multi-hazard plan that outlines prevention and intervention techniques, identification of security and safety needs, evaluation of physical facilities and communication with staff and students.  A site safety plan provides a blueprint for site safety in five areas: 1) mitigation and prevention, 2) policies and procedures, 3) preparedness, 4) response and 5) recovery.

For the purposes of this procedural directive, “individual student safety plan” means an intervention plan developed for students who may create dangerous situations on campus.

Administrative Position: Assistant Superintendent for School and Community Support/Executive Director of Human Resources

Department Director: Director of Health and Wellness

Cross References:

Legal Cross Ref.:

  • NMAC
  • NMAC 6.12.6
  • NMAC 6.29.6
  • NMAC

Board Policy Cross Ref.:

  • JI6 – Bullying Prevention
  • JL - Student and Staff Wellness and Welfare

Procedural Directive Cross Ref.:

  • Albuquerque Public Schools Health/Mental Health Team handbook
  • Site Safety Plan
  • Human Sexuality and AIDS Instructional Material
  • Exemptions from Health or Physical Education Curriculum
  • Bullying Prevention
  • Intervening with a Potential Suicide

NSBA/NEPN Classification: ADF, IHAMD

Reviewed: September 24, 2010
Reviewed: October 15, 2010
Reviewed: November 8, 2010
Approved: November 12, 2010

This page was last updated on: November 23, 2010.