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PI11 Course Proposal Process

The process of adding a new course to the APS District Course Catalog begins when a teacher, school, or district identifies the need for a new course based on student interest, student need, a program of studies, or state and federal requirements. Prior to submitting a Course Proposal Application, efforts should be made to ensure that this course does not exist in the district’s course offerings. 

All course proposals will be reviewed using the APS Course Proposal Evaluation Guide.  The Course Proposal Evaluation Guide consists of: 

  • Section A-Content 
  • Section B-Instructional Design  
  • Section C-Instructional Materials/Resources  
  • Section D-Student Assessment 

Step I: Course Application Development and Review at the Schoool

The Course Application is presented to the principal, curriculum assistant,  department chair, and instructional council. Included in this application are:

  1. School, course title, grade level, length of the course (semester or year-long), department/credit designation.

  2. Course Description 

  3. Standards the course will be aligned to

    1. Content standards (from Common Core or State Standards) 

    2. Technology standards 

    3. National or Industry standards if applicable 

  4. Teacher license and endorsement 

  5. What evidence is there of significant student demand?

  6. Why is this need not met by existing courses?

  7. How does this support college and career readiness?

  8. How does this course tie into existing school courses or programs of study?

  9. Research or references that will guide the course development

  10. Name(s) of teacher(s) who will write the course 

  11. Names of the school staff reviewing the proposal 

The principal signs the application, and he/she or the curriculum assistant submits the school-approved Course  Application to the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction.

Step II: District Course Proposal Review

The Course Application is reviewed for content and completeness of the required information.  The course is reviewed to determine the next steps by the following:

  • Chief Academic Officer
  • Chief of Schools
  • Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction 
  • Executive Director of Secondary Learning
  • A Representative from Curriculum & Instruction  and/or Content Specialist(s) 
  • Other Department Representatives as Needed 

The Assistant Superintendent and/or Executive Director of Secondary Learning will notify the school principal or curriculum assistant of the review results. 

Step III: School Site Course Development and Review

If approved, the writer or group of writers  develop the following documents: 

  1. A Curricular Framework, inclusive of  

    • Strategies, Websites, and Suggested Instructional Materials
    • Standards
    • Assessments, Activities, and Assignments 
  1. A course syllabus (template provided) 

  2. A sample unit overview (template provided) 

The lead writer will submit the above documents to the principal or curriculum assistant, who will review them for completeness and arrange for their review by the curriculum board. 

Step IV: District Course Review by the Curriculum Board

The course is reviewed and approved/disapproved using the Course Proposal  Scoring Guide by the Curriculum Board between August and November to consider for the following year’s District  Course Master. 

The principal or curriculum assistant will be informed of the approval/non-approval of the course proposal including feedback from the Curriculum Board. If approved, the Executive Director of Secondary Learning will provide APS SIS with an updated New Course Request Spreadsheet after each approved new course by the end of November.

  • The Scoring Guide was revised in April 2023.  The expectation is that all courses meet the elements contained in the scoring guide.

  • All yes, will be approved.  Any no’s the document will be returned for editing and resubmission for approval.

Step V: Distribution of the Course

Approved course information is added to the course catalog and distributed to: 

  • Curriculum Board Members 
  • The Student Information System 
  • Post-secondary institutions (if the course is required for admission)
  • The NCAA (applicable to core courses)


Administrative Position:

  • Chief Academic Officer
  • Chief of Schools

Department Director:

  • Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum & Instruction

Legal Cross Reference:

  • §22-13-1 et seq NMSA 1978

Board Policy Cross Reference:

  • IH Instructional Program
  • IG Curriculum Development, Adoption and Review

NSBA/NEPN Classification: IGD

Revised: May 1995

Revised: April 1996

Revised: May 1997

Reviewed: April 15, 2024

Revised: April 15, 2024


This page was last updated on: December 9, 2009.