I. Instruction
- PI1 Algebra 1 in Grade 8
- PI2 Creation of Instructional School Year Calendar
- PI3 Alternative Methods of Earning Credit
- PI4 Animals in School
- PI5 Awarding of Credit or Extra Credit for Non-Academic Activities
- PI6 Basis for Offering Credit
- PI7 Community Schools
- PI8 Community Sponsored Instructional Programs
- PI9 Controversial Issues and Outside Speakers
- PI10 Copyright Compliance
- PI11 Course Proposal Process
- PI12 Double Promotion
- PI13 Educational Support for Students with Long-Term Medical Absences Program
- PI14 End-of-Semester Testing Schedule and Activities
- PI15 Exemptions from Health or Physical Education Curriculum
- PI16 Federal Census: School Assistance in Federally-Affected Areas
- PI17 Flag Display and Pledge of Allegiance
- PI18 High School Equivalency Exam (HST)(GED Testing)
- PI19 Grade Reporting and Recording
- PI20 Graduation
- PI22 High School Credit Earned by Middle School Students
- PI23 High School Elective Credit
- PI24 Home Schooling
- PI25 Homework
- PI26 Honors and Advanced Placement Programs
- PI27 Human Sexuality and AIDS Instructional Material
- PI28 Identification of Students Needing Remediation and Academic Improvement Plans
- PI29 Indian Education Policies and Procedures (2024-25 School Year)
- PI30 Instructional Materials Adoption Selection Process
- PI31 Instructional Program
- PI32 Kindergarten Screening
- PI33 Library-Media: Disposition of Outdated or Damaged Materials
- PI34 Magnet Schools and Programs
- PI35 Middle School Curriculum Guidelines
- PI36 Parental Concerns About Instructional Print and Non-Print Material
- PI37 Placement of Modern and Classical Language Students
- Religious Issues and Holiday Practices
- PI38 Remediation of Student Learning
- PI21 Secondary Course Guidelines
- PI39 Student Grade Retention Process
- PI40 Student Enrollment and School Schedule Guidelines
- PI41 Selection of Library-Media-Print/Non-Print Material
- PI42 Student Insurance
- PI43 Student Teacher and Preservice Teacher Placement in School
- PI44 Teacher and Staff Qualifications and Training
- PI45 Tests and Examinations
- PI46 Textbook Disposal
- PI47 Transcript Evaluation
- Transcript Evaluation Matrix
- PI48 Twenty Day Counts
- PI49 Use of Videos and Other Instructional Audiovisual Media
- PI50 Volunteer Programs
- PI51 Final Course and Student Grade Changes
- PI54 Elementary School: Combo Class