PI46 Textbook Disposal
The principal or designee will identify obsolete textbooks and /or other instructional materials and submit the Instructional Materials Disposal Request Form to the Library Services and Instructional Materials Office. The Library Services and Instructional Materials Office provides guidance of inventory instructions on the Library Services and Instructional Materials APS website.
Prior to discarding books and other instructional materials, the principal or designee will review the Library Services and Instructional Materials APS website and contact the Library Services and Instructional Materials Office with any questions. It is the principal’s or designee’s responsibility to ensure that all textbooks and other instructional materials boxed for discard are no longer on the State Adopted Multiple List or no longer programs currently used by the district.
Prior to the disposal of textbooks or instructional materials, the principal or designee will make all discards available to the students, staff, community, other educational institutions, and the general public.
At least one week prior to the "give-away," the original copies of the inventory forms are to be sent to the Library Services and Instructional Materials Office.
Students, parents, or others in the community may take any of the discarded textbooks.
Any textbooks or instructional material not given away at this time should be responsibly recycled.
Prior to recycling, textbooks to be discarded are to be enclosed in boxes labeled "discard."
All forms listed in this directive are available from the Library Services and Instructional Materials APS website.
Current Instructional Materials
The Library Services and Instructional Materials Office is the only office authorized to dispose of current textbooks or instructional materials including those that are worn or damaged.
Administrative Position:
Chief Academic Officer
Department Director:
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
Senior Director of Library Services
Cross Ref.:
Procedural Directive Cross Reference:
NSBA/NEPN Classification: DN
Revised: May 1995
Revised: April 1996
Revised: April 1997
Reviewed: January 1, 2001
Reviewed: April 15, 2024
Revised: April 15, 2024