PI24 Home Schooling
The Public School Code was amended by Laws 1985, Chapter 21, to provide a framework within which parents are afforded the opportunity to instruct their children at home. The home schooling program must provide a basic academic education program including, but not limited to, reading, language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science.
Home School Registration and Testing
Information on home school applications and registrations will be kept by the Director of Student Support.
Home school students will be tested with standardized achievement tests as required by the State Department of Education. The Research, Development and Accountability Department (RDA) will notify home school instructors one month in advance as to location, date, and time of the required standardized achievement testing. Any required fees will be determined by RDA. RDA will report standardized achievement test results on each student to the Evaluation Assessment and Testing Unit, State Department of Education
District Responsibility to Home Schoolers
District responsibility to home schools is limited to registration and initial advisement. Parents who establish a home school will be advised that the District does not provide textbooks, supplies, or other resources to home schools. Core Curriculum documents, teacher resource books, and other APS publications may be purchased at a nominal fee to cover printing costs.
The district has specific reporting requirements to the State Department of Education regarding the number and grade level of home school students.
Re-entry to an APS School from Home School
Students entering an APS elementary or middle school from a home school will be placed in an age-appropriate classroom after consultation with parents concerning curriculum needs.
Students entering an APS high school from a home school will be placed according to guidelines outlined in the procedural directives titled Transcript Evaluation, and Transfer of Credit from Non-accredited Schools.
Cross Ref.:
Legal Ref.: 22-1-2.1 NMSA 1978
NSBA/NEPN Classification: IHBG
Revised: May 1995
Revised: April 1996
Revised: May 1997