PI21 Secondary Course Guidelines
District Course Numbers and Titles - Revisions, Deletions, and Additions
Only those courses identified in the District Course Master (DCM) within the Student Information System (SIS) will be offered in APS schools. All approved courses must have a course description with competencies to be taught and measured on file in the DCM.
The Curriculum Board, in collaboration with the APS SIS Department, will establish the course titles, descriptions, and complete four-digit STARS numbers and record them in the District Course Master.
The area of graduation credit for any course will be established by the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction or designee and identified in the DCM.
Revisions and Deletions
The DCM will be reviewed and updated by the APS Curriculum and Instruction and SIS departments as needed per the NMPED STARS Manual in August each year. Courses no longer offered may be deleted, and all courses will be reviewed for consistency with district philosophy and the instructional needs of students.
Conditions for Deletions
When a course is no longer being offered in any schools.
When a course is not in keeping with the developed program of a particular curriculum area.
When a course repeats the content of another course within the curriculum area or another curriculum area.
Following one (or more) of the guidelines for deletion listed above, the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction may recommend in writing, the deletion of a high school course from the DCM. High school curriculum assistant principals will be notified of the recommended change.
New course proposals can be submitted to the Assistant Superintendent of C&I and the Curriculum Board from August to November each year for addition to the DCM the following year (see Course Proposal Process).
Administrative Position:
Deputy Superintendent of Leadership and Learning
Chief Academic Officer
Department Director:
Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education
Board Policy Reference: IH Instructional Program
Administrative Procedure Cross Reference:
NSBA/NEPN Classification: IGE
Revised: May 1995
Revised: April 1996
Revised: May 1997
Revised: June 2002
Reviewed: May 2024
Revised: May 2024