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PI5 Awarding of Credit or Extra Credit for Non-Academic Activities


Academic progress is reported to parents and students through grades. Student activities unrelated to the purposes of a course of study should be rewarded or discouraged through other means than grades. No student should be placed at a disadvantage in a graded activity because of a lack of money to carry out a credit or extra-credit assignment.

Guidelines for Approval of Assignment Credit or Extra Credit for Non-Academic Activities:

  1. Teachers who propose to offer credit or extra credit to students for an activity not arising from course or subject standards shall seek approval of the principal in advance. Each school may specify reasonable advance notice requirements and the proper means of making a request.
  2. Principals shall verify that an academic purpose reasonably related to course or subject standards is being met prior to approval of the activity. If this standard cannot be met, the principal may suggest an appropriate means of rewarding or acknowledging the student activity, such as recognition programs or special privileges.
  3. Principals should scrutinize proposed activities to be assured that students who are unable to spend or raise money are not being placed at a disadvantage in a graded or extra credit activity.
  4. Schools will develop policies consistent with the above to provide more guidance regarding specific activities which will be approved or disapproved.

 Administrative Position:              Chief of Schools

Department Director:

  • Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction


 Board Policy Cross Ref.: IH7  Instructional Credit Acceptance

NSBA/NEPN Classification: III - IIJ

Approved: March 1998
Reviewed:  January 5, 2023
Revised: January 20, 2023

This page was last updated on: December 9, 2009.