PI32 Kindergarten Screening
In-School Child Identification
As outlined in the APS Special Education Department’s Operational Standards, to identify children with possible special education needs as they enter the public education system, a district-wide screening of all APS kindergarten students must be conducted annually.
Location of students with special needs is a direct function of the general education component. Referrals and alternatives as established in the three general screening levels are to be considered and implemented for an individual student exhibiting need for special interventions.
Level I - General Screening Procedures
- Ongoing child identification (public awareness and screening)
- Kindergarten Developmental Progress Report review
- Vision screening
- Hearing screening
- Documented teacher observations
- Language proficiency; cultural and linguistic factors
- Cumulative folder data
- Attendance records
- Other placement or mandated tests, e.g., LAS
Level II - Procedures for Individual Students in Need of School Interventions
- Consideration of Level I General Screening Procedures and activities
- Classroom teacher(s), parent(s), early childhood specialist, and/or other individual(s) identifies(y) area(s) of need for student.
- Interventions are selected by the identifying person and implemented for individual students with parental participation when appropriate.
Level III - Review of Individual Students by School Support Team
This is the third type of general screening for students who may have special needs. The team considered special needs of the student, identified and recommends regular education intervention strategies. If not successful, the Support Team may refer the student to the School Referral Team for validation of a possible referral for special education evaluation.
Cross Ref.:
- Board Policy I.01: Instructional Program
- APS Special Education Operational Standards
NSBA/NEPN Classification: IHBIA
Revised: May 1995
Revised: April 1996
Revised: May 1997