PI30 Instructional Materials Adoption Selection Process
Adoption Process
The district instructional materials selection process will identify the core program instructional materials selection for Albuquerque Public Schools. The Curriculum and Instruction Department will convene a review committee for each instructional area included in the adoption. The committee(s) will include but are not limited to
adequate representatives from each school level addressed in the adoption
staff from the departments of Special Education, Educational Technology, Indian Education, Language and Cultural Equity, and Title I.
district experts in the content areas of adoption.
The committee will review those materials approved for adoption by the New Mexico Public Education Department and other high-quality open-source or traditionally published instructional materials. The review committee will consider the following when selecting materials for recommendation to the chief academic officer.
Alignment of instructional materials with the state content standards and the district curriculum.
The capacity of the instructional materials to meet the educational needs of the students typically served by the district.
When appropriate, the availability of intervention materials aligned to the core program materials
How the materials support K-12 articulation of instruction.
While the committee is charged with recommending the most aligned and appropriate materials for the district, the committee may take into consideration the allocated amount provided for instructional materials purchase.
When no available instructional materials fully meet the needs of all Albuquerque Public Schools students, the committee will review appropriate supplemental materials as well.
In a year in which there is more than one major adoption, the respective committees will work together to ensure that there is a proper distribution of funds to each area.
The committee will help to ensure equity in publisher access to the committee members and ensure that contacts with district staff follow state regulations around these contacts. Publishers will not contact schools directly.
Field-testing/Piloting or Complimentary Materials
All field-testing and piloting of instructional materials will comply with state regulations regarding pilot testing materials and will be subject to the approval of the Chief Academic Officer. District personnel will not accept complimentary materials once a publisher has been approved for adoption by the New Mexico Public Education Department. The only exception to this regulation is the provision of review materials in reasonable quantities. Materials used to pilot and/or field-test instructional materials will be returned to the publishers at the conclusion of the pilot and/or field-test period.
Public Review of Instructional Materials Considered for Adoption
The Department of Curriculum and Instruction will maintain a display of sample instructional materials being considered for adoption. These materials will be available for review on-site by public school personnel, parents/legal guardians, and members of the community.
The Department of Curriculum and Instruction will publicize information concerning the review of instructional materials to school personnel and the community via the Communications Office.
Adoption of Instructional Materials
The review committee, as per the direction of the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, will present the review process, information about committee membership, the final recommendations for the adoption, and a plan to fully implement the instructional materials to the chief academic officer. In consultation with the associate superintendents, the chief academic officer will approve the final selection and present this information to the superintendent and principals.
Once materials are approved, the Library Services and Instructional Materials department will order materials, maintain a record of inventory, and manage their timely distribution to schools.
Funding of Adopted Instructional Materials
Instructional material funds may be allocated as a special category of funds or as a portion of general operating funds provided by the New Mexico Public Education Department directly to the district solely for materials purchase. Operational funds may make up any shortfall in this allocation, but the instructional material funds will not be used for any other purchase.
The purchase will ensure that each student has appropriate instructional material for his/her personal use during their time in that class.
In addition to the district purchase of the instructional materials, any additional funds may be used for consumable or digital materials, supplemental or intervention materials, or be distributed to the schools for the replacement of instructional materials that are lost, destroyed, or stolen.
Implementation of Instructional Materials
Individual school principals will ensure that the instructional materials are distributed to teachers and fully implemented in their schools.
Administrative Position:
Chief Academic Officer
Department Director:
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
Legal Cross Ref.:
§22-15-1 et. seq. NMSA 1978
NMAC 6.75.2
Board Policy Cross Ref.:
IH - Instructional Program
IJ – Instructional Resources and Materials
Procedural Directive Cross Ref.:
NSBA/NEPN Classification: IJJ
Revised: May 1995
Revised: April 1996
Revised: May 1997
Revised: June 2002
Reviewed: July 2010
Reviewed: December 9, 2015
Revised: December 11, 2015
Reviewed: April 15, 2024
Revised: April 15, 2024