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PF6 Portable Buildings Request and Relocation Process

All portable move requests shall be technically evaluated using the space utilization tool and will be contingent on budget availability. The Capital Master Plan department shall receive all requests and carry out this technical analysis.

The Strategic Portable Implementation Team (SPIT) consisting of representatives from the following departments; Capital Master Plan, Facilities Design & Construction, and Special education; shall convene every two weeks as a clearing house to update all portable move requests and moves to date.

Facilities Design &Construction Department identifies portable needs and removals for construction purposes.

Capital Master Plan (CMP) Department identifies portable needs for growth.

Special Education Department identifies portable needs for special education, and provides this information to the CMP Department.

Fine Arts identify portable needs for art and music, and provide this information to the CMP Department.

The Portable unit of Facilities Design & Construction department shall implement ALL portable moves/installations.

The Capital Master shall make a monthly update report to the designated instructional Associate Superintendent as to the status of all pending portable moves and requests.

All other requests should follow the following process:

  • Email a Portable request to Capital Master Plan Department with the reason for request
    1. Is the request due to new program or growth?
    2. If the request is due to new program, does it include funding to facilitate Portable move and installation?
  • Capital Master Plan Department will evaluate the request (conduct a utilization analysis) and approve or deny the request.
  • Capital Master Plan Department will contact the requestor and notify them of the status of the request (approved/denied).
  • If approved, the request will be added to a list of needs which will then be allocated with a match.
  • If denied, reasons for the disapproval or alternative solutions will be worked out with the requestor.

Portable Buildings Move Process

Once move has been approved the school or site will be updated weekly of the status of the portable move and given a tentative time of building installation, according to the punch list below. 

Sample Portable Weekly Log 2009-2010. Final date needed for all the portables is August 1, 2010. Date Updated: (insert here). Please Mark with a Checkmark for complete and with an X for incomplete. Sample table columns include, School Number, School, Portable Number, Reason, Request Received, Reason, Portables Move Update, Week Ending July 10, Week Ending July 17, Week Ending July 24, Week Ending July 31.

Portable Relocation Process

The following is a checklist outlining the steps in the portable classroom relocation process.

  • Preliminary coordination with affected school administrators to identify portable issue.
  • Site visit to identify relevant onsite and offsite conditions
  • Establish Project Scope and Proposal
  • Design Survey
  • Preliminary Coordination with City of Albuquerque
  • Drainage Analysis
  • Preparation of Plans
  • Submit for Hydrology and TCL Approval
  • Submit Mini-Work Orders
  • Request Proposals from Contractors
  • Provide plan sets for all contractors. 
  • Ensure testing and construction oversight is accomplished.  

Administrative Position:             Chief Operations Officer

Department Director:                  Executive Director of Capital Master Plan

Board Policy Cross Ref.:             FB Facilities Planning
                                                       FB1 Coordinated Growth Strategy

NSBA/NEPN Classification: FCC

Revised: May 1995
Revised: April 1996
Revised: May 1997
Reviewed: January 1, 2001
Reviewed: September 2009
Reviewed: August 10, 2016
Revised: August 12, 2016

This page was last updated on: December 9, 2009.