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PF1 Capital Master Plan: Review and Update Procedure

The Capital Master Plan guides expenditure of capital resources of the district. The dollar amounts for each project are estimated budgets only. Money saved from projects which come in under the anticipated amount will be reallocated to other projects which come in over the estimate. The Review and Update Procedure establishes three methods for meeting the long-range needs of the district and ensuring that commitments and promises are maintained or implemented.

Superintendent's Capital Master Plan Review Committee

Facilitated by the Capital Master Plan Director and makes decisions/recommendations based strictly on the Capital Master Plan technical criteria


Four principals, four teachers, and four community members are the voting members. Staffed by the Capital Master Plan Department and attended by

  • Chief Operations Officer, Chief Financial Officer and a representative from instructional programming
  • The Executive directors of the Capital, Finance, Informational Technology & Operations Divisions.
  • APS bond/financial advisor and APS Legal Counsel
  • Other experts as deemed necessary by the Capital Master Plan Staff.

This committee makes recommendations on the Capital Master Plan to the Superintendent and Board of Education.


  • To review on an ongoing basis the progress of the Capital Master Plan with the Capital Master Plan staff and prior to each capital election.
  • To review all Capital/Technology tax-payer funded projects and to allocate resources according to the technical Capital Master Plan Criteria that includes but is not limited to health & safety, growth, and programmatic needs
  • To review all renewal and maintenance programs to ensure that all sites are allocated resources according to the technical Capital Master Plan Criteria addressing both deferred & existing maintenance that includes but is not limited to Health & Safety, growth, and programmatic needs
  • To meet on an as-needed basis to review any changes (including Scope Changes) to the Capital Master Plan over $750,000

Individual School Building/Construction Committee


FD&C Construction Manager/Architect, Board approved A/E professional firm, Principal or Site Manager, Parent and/or community member, student/s, and teacher/staff representative. Appropriate Associate Superintendent must be part of the Non-School Site committee.


  1. Work with board approved A/E consulting firm to design funded project
  2. To review the school or site folder and discuss projects with Capital Master Plan staff.
  3. To request legitimate changes to the Capital Master Plan.
  4. To work with the Capital Master Plan Staff on updates as required.

Capital Master Plan Staff


Capital Master Plan Director, Executive Director Capital Master Plan designee, Executive Director Informational technology designee, Facilities Design and Construction designee, M & O designee, Capital Master Plan Professional Planning consultant, and other members as determined by the Capital Master Plan office. Others may include Capital Master Plan evaluation team member (generally a contractor), instructional administrative staff member (appointed by the Superintendent), Capital Master Plan Planner/demographer, APS bond counsel, financial advisor or other special knowledge member.


  1. To relay to the school or school community the purpose of the Capital Master Plan, the method of prioritizing projects and the implementation of projects.
  2. To review and provide staff recommendations to the Superintendent’s Capital Master Plan Review Committee on updates to the Master Plan.
  3. To have administrative authority to recommend changes under $750,000 or changes those do not involve a cost increase which requires the approval of the Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operations Officer and the Superintendent.
  4. To monitor progress of the Capital Master Plan including capital resources and expenditures, actual growth vs. projected growth, and to report yearly to the Superintendent and the Board of Education.

Procedure for Updating the Capital Master Plan (Changes of Scope)

Schools that need to reprioritize or change projects in their capital outlay plan should complete the following steps:

  1. Request cannot involve an increase in scope/budget
  2. Request for changes to the school capital outlay plan should be discussed with the School Facility/Capital Committee and Facilitated by Schools Staff Architect.
    1. Schools Staff Architect will meet with Facilities Design and Construction Director to review school folder and the purpose of reprioritizing the capital outlay project.
    2. Schools Staff Architect/ School, in conjunction must prepare a written request for modification to the capital outlay plan stating: a) Reason for change, b) Alternative proposal, c) How the changes respond to a set of standard "decision rules" (see following section)
    3. Submit written request to the Capital Master Plan Office. The request will be reviewed by the Capital Master Plan Staff.
    4. If the request for change exceeds $750,000, the request will be reviewed at a meeting of the Capital Master Plan review Committee and a recommendation will be made to the Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operations Officer and Superintendent regarding the change.

Decision Rules for Schools or Other Sites

In general, changes must stay within the original Capital Master Plan capital outlay amount for the school.

Changes may be considered for any one or a combination of the following reasons:

  1. Project has already been completed or is in progress. Generally, this situation occurs when matching State or other funds are allocated.
  2. There have been curricular or programmatic changes that require change to the Capital Master Plan. An example would be full-day kindergarten.
  3. There are newly identified health or safety issues.
  4. An APS funded site master plan or site development plan has generated change to the Capital Master Plan.

Decision Rules Regarding Growth

All growth projects are subject to yearly review by the Superintendent's Capital Master Plan Review Committee.

If projected growth has not occurred, then growth dollars will be assigned to other parts of the district requiring these resources.

If growth has occurred or is occurring, strategic options may be considered to accommodate enrollment as defined by Board Policy. These options may include boundary changes and will be presented to the Superintendent.

Capital Master Plan Projects which MUST be implemented:

  • Health/Safety
  • Roofing
  • HVAC Improvements
  • Studies Required for District Decision-Making
  • Structural Improvements as Recommended by Architects, Engineers, Contractors, or Consultants

Procedure for Budgeting Alternative Capital Revenue Sources

APS may receive from time-to-time alternative capital revenue beyond what has been approved and budgeted in the normal Capital Master Planning process.  These revenues may include, but are not limited to:

  • Carry over balances from previous capital strategies
  • Additional mill levy collections
  • Interest on general obligation bonds and mill levies
  • School facilities fees
  • State awards or matches that make available previously budgeted funds
  • Funds budgeted for emergencies and contingencies in mill levies and general obligation bonds
  • Capital Master Plan projects previously budgeted but that no longer need to be implemented

The procedure for budgeting and allocating these revenues is as follows:

The Capital Master Plan Director shall develop annually a forecast of potential alternative capital revenue and potential recurring and non-recurring uses for these funds. The district Chief Financial Officer or designee shall assist in developing these forecasts.

A Capital Master Plan Staff Budget Committee composed of the Capital Master Plan Director, Executive Director Capital Master Plan designee, Executive Director Informational Technology designee, Facilities Design and Construction designee, M & O designee, and the designee of the Chief Financial Officer shall meet annually, or as frequently as needed, to make staff recommendations regarding specific budgeting of the alternative capital revenue.  The director of the Capital Master Plan shall be the chair of the committee.  Staff recommendations shall identify specific budget allocations, whether the need is recurring or non-recurring, any impacts on the capital master plan, and the justification for the expenditure. 

With concurrence of the Executive Director of Capital Master Plan, the Chief Operations Officer and the Superintendent, staff recommendations will be brought by the Capital Master Plan Director to the Capital Master Plan Review Committee for their consideration, and if approved, to the Board of Education Capital Outlay Committee and full Board. 

General Budgeting Parameters

The general goal for allocation of alternative capital revenue shall be to accelerate the implementation of the adopted APS capital strategy following the priorities of the Capital Master Plan.  No more than 75% of the forecasted annual alternative capital revenue shall be allocated per year. 

Guidelines for allocation of specific revenues sources are as follows:

Guidelines for Allocation of Specific Revenue Sources
Revenue SourceMajor Use of Funds

Remaining balances from previous capital strategies

Additional Mill Levy revenues

Accelerate or augment a Capital Master Plan Project

Any legitimate capital purpose including addressing special needs not identified in the Capital Master Plan

Senate Bill 9 interest revenue District emergencies and contingencies

General obligation bond interest revenue

State awards or matches that make available previously budgeted funds

Capital Master Plan projects previously budgeted but that no longer need to be implemented

Accelerate or augment a Capital Master Plan Project
Funds budgeted for emergencies and contingencies in mill levies and general obligation bonds

Accelerate or augment a Capital Master Plan project associated with the specific funding source of the emergency or contingency fund

No more than 25% of an emergency/contingency fund will be allocated per year

School facility fees Accelerate or augment a Capital Master Plan project in the cluster where the free was generated


Administrative Position:             Chief Operations Officer

Department Director:                  Executive Director of Capital Master Plan


Legal Cross Ref.:                               
Board Policy Cross Ref.:             FB Facilities Planning     

NSBA/NEPN Classification:        FB

Revised: May 1995
Revised: April 1996
Revised: June 1997
Revised: September 2007
Reviewed: September 2009 
Reviewed: August 10, 2016

This page was last updated on: December 9, 2009.