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PE7 Emergency Dismissal

Utility failures, fires, weather conditions and chemical spills are examples of situations, which may necessitate early school dismissal. In the event that such an emergency should occur, the principal is responsible for taking actions outlined below. A principal’s response to an emergency should be based on known facts and experience.

Principals should be familiar with the Fire and Disaster Emergency Plan handbook which outlines evacuation procedures, protect in place procedures, securing emergency help, and response procedure for specific emergencies.

If the Maintenance and Operations (M & O) staff can repair the school problem, the principal will call the appropriate M & O department, alerts the supervisor, and ask for immediate assistance. The Maintenance & Operations supervisor will dispatch personnel to the school and will notify the Assistant Superintendent for Facilities Planning and Operations.

The principal will call the appropriate Assistant Superintendent and relate the details of the situation. The Assistant Superintendent, after consulting with authorities, police and fire services, Assistant Superintendent for Facilities, Planning and Operations, and other APS departments will make the decision jointly with the Assistant Superintendent whether or not school will be dismissed. The Region Assistant Superintendent will also notify, as appropriate, the Transportation Office, School Police, Risk Management, the Community Relations Office, and the Superintendent regarding the situation.

The Community Relations Office will notify the media of an early dismissal due to an emergency.

The principal and staff will make a concerted effort to notify parents by phone of an early dismissal (elementary schools and middle schools).

If the emergency situation cannot be resolved promptly, the Region Assistant Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent for Facilities, Planning and Operations, in consultation with the Assistant Superintendent, will determine if school can be opened the following day. The Community Relations office and parents should be notified of the decision.

In the event of an emergency or disaster, principals have the authority to ask staff to help with the situation. Principals can arrange to have staff care for children, make phone calls, provide first aid, or other procedures necessary to protect students, public, and co-workers.

Cross Ref.:

NSBA/NEPN Classification: EBCE

Revised: May 1995
Revised: April 1996
Revised: May 1997
Reviewed: June 2002

This page was last updated on: December 9, 2009.