PF11 School Signs and Monuments
Albuquerque Public Schools Facilities Design and Construction Departments school construction and design standard 2.3.8 exterior signage, shall dictate all design, construction and installation of school signs and monuments.
The school is to have an integral sign mounted on the building with the name of the school and the street number as part of basic standards.
The school may also have a free standing monument sign with the name of the school and street number located near the street.
The monument sign is not to be confused with a marquee sign electronic or otherwise (refer to APS School Construction and Design Standard 2.3.8 Exterior Signage).
Albuquerque Public Schools Maintenance and Operations Department shall be responsible for all repair/maintenance of school signs and monuments.
Purchase and Installation of Electronic Marquees and Notice Boards by Schools
- All purchases of electronic marquees and notice boards by schools will have to be consistent with existing APS Purchasing and Procurement Standards (refer to Procurement Procedural Directive).
- School or department intending to purchase electronic marquee board must get a price quote that includes complete installation, including power requirements.
- All price quotes including installation and power requirements must be vetted and approved by APS M&O for accuracy, consistency and availability with existing maintenance standards.
- New Sites/buildings
- APS FD&C will provide hard wiring and power up to the site of the marquee as part of either a new school or renewal project.
- Marquee Signs will not be installed as part of the construction project. During the design phase of projects a location should be designated and electrical conduit installed from the building to the designated location. FD+C does not purchase or install marquee signs but in some instances will relocate existing signs to accommodate construction projects. All marquee signs and their installations need to be approved through M&O.
- Existing Sites
- School has to request for an analysis as to whether the existing site has capacity for complete installation of billboard with power. If this is not the case, school has to either:
- Use SIP funds to remedy this.
- Request for funding to wire the marquee site.
- If funding and wiring is not available, marquee purchase will not be approved.
Administrative Position: Chief Operations Officer
Department Director: Executive Director of Facilities Design and Construction
Legal Cross Ref.:
Board Policy Cross Ref.: FB Facilities Planning
NSBA/NEPN Classification: FB
Reviewed: September 2009
Reviewed: August 10, 2016
Adopted: August 12, 2016