PK2 Advertising, Gifts, Grants and Donations
Albuquerque Public Schools may support advertising initiatives that enhance district goals and objectives.
All requests for any advertising agreements should be made through the Albuquerque Public Schools Communications Office. All advertising campaigns and agreements shall be subject to approval by the superintendent.
Advertising campaigns and agreements may include, but are not limited to scoreboards, publications, broadcast (i.e. TV, radio), marquees, billboards and the district’s website.
Advertising requests which promote alcohol, tobacco, gaming, firearms, political endorsements, controversial products or services shall not be permitted.
Gifts, Grants and Donations
Albuquerque Public Schools, as a district or as individual schools, may accept gifts, grants, donations, devices, and title to property. Any and all gifts, grants and donations, including gifts or donations of a single device, object or title to property, which have a fair market value of over five-thousand dollars ($5000) shall be subject to approval from the Board of Education prior to acceptance by the district or an individual school.
Acceptance of such material shall not be considered as a testimonial or endorsement by the district of a product or business enterprise. Monetary gifts shall be subject to appropriate Albuquerque Public Schools finance policies and procedural directives.
All gifts and donations received shall become the property of Albuquerque Public Schools.
Principals and/or department directors accepting a gift, grant or donation on behalf of their school or department under five-thousand dollars ($5000) shall be responsible for accepting the gift, grant or donation based on the following criteria. The Board of Education, with assistance from the principal/department director requesting acceptance of a gift, grant or donation over five-thousand dollars ($5000) on behalf of their school or department, shall be responsible for accepting the gift, grant or donation based on the following criteria. Gifts, grants and donations shall:
- have a purpose consistent with the goals and objectives of the district;
- be offered by a donor acceptable to the Board of Education;
- not add to staff workload if that work is beyond their normal expected job duties;
- not begin a program that the superintendent will be unwilling to take over when the gift, grant or donation funds are exhausted;
- not bring undesirable or hidden costs to the district;
- be instructionally appropriate; and
- not create conflict with any provision of federal or state statute or regulation or with Board of Education policy.
If the gift or donation is property or equipment that has a fair market value of over five-thousand dollars ($5000), acceptance shall be subject to approval by the Chief Operations Officer, or his/her designee, and the Chief Financial Officer, or his/her designee, to assure that the district can maintain the gift. At the direction of the Chief Operations Officer and/or Chief Financial Officer, the director of Risk Management may be contacted if additional insurance is needed or if there are unresolved liability issues.
Principals and/or department directors requiring Board of Education approval of a gift, grant or donation shall contact the Board of Education Services Office to be placed on an appropriate Board of Education meeting agenda for review by the Board of Education. The Board of Education Services Office shall confirm that appropriate approval has been granted by the Chief Financial Officer and/or the Chief Operations Officer prior to Board of Education approval of a gift, grant or donation.
Donations or gifts presented to an individual employee shall comply with the conflict of interest Board of Education policies and administrative procedural directives.
Booster Clubs and Parent Organizations
Booster clubs and parent organizations are separate financial entities from the district and can accept gifts and donations as such. However, if booster clubs or parent organizations choose to use the gift or donation for district personnel, students or property or if district personnel, students or property benefit from that gift or donation, that gift or donation shall be considered a gift or donation to the district. Provisions of this procedural directive shall apply to any gift or donation from a booster club or parent organization to the district.
Administrative Position:
Chief Financial Officer/Executive Director of Communications
Department Director:
Director of Communications/Manager of Business Partnerships
Legal Cross Ref:
Board Policy Cross Ref.:
Procedural Directive Cross Ref.:
NSBA/NEPN Classification: KHB, KGB
Approved: November 5, 1998
Reviewed: December 3, 2010
Reviewed: January 7, 2011