PG18 Section 504/ADA: Physical Access Process (for Students, Parents, and Employees with Disabilities)
The site administrator may identify a need for physical access to a specific building, office, restroom, program or other area of the site by a specific student, parent, employee or community member with a disability. This access may include:
- verification that the person has a disability preventing access in the current situation; and
- verification that the person has a legitimate need for access to that area on a continuing basis.
The site administrator shall make every reasonable effort to accommodate the person with a disability by means already available within the site.
If on-site accommodations appear inadequate (following efforts described above), the administrator will submit a Physical Access Request form to the attention of the physical access specialist, located at the Facilities Design and Construction Department.
Following receipt of a Physical Access Request form, the request shall be reviewed by the physical access specialist. The physical access specialist shall visit the site and explore the needs and options for a solution.
If warranted, the Compliance Committee may meet to suggest a solution, based on information gathered by the physical access specialist.
Suggested solutions such as assistive technology devices; acquisition or modification of equipment or devices, training, or job modifications shall be handled through the appropriate channels.
If there is a need for physical modification, the physical access specialist will submit the request to Facilities Design and Construction for an estimate.
- Facilities Design and Construction shall complete a cost estimate and provide the physical access specialist with that information.
- The physical access specialist shall complete the appropriate work order forms.
- Approval for remodeling shall be obtained from the Director of Facilities Design and Construction, or his/her designee.
- Facilities Design and Construction shall be directed to proceed with the remodeling.
Records of requests and status of those requests shall be maintained by the Facilities Design and Construction Office or the physical access specialist.
Administrative Position: Chief of Staff/Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources/Chief
Operations Officer
Department Director: Equal Opportunity Services/Director of Facilities Design and Construction
Board Policy Cross Ref.: A.03 Nondiscrimination
GB Equal Employment with Albuquerque Public Schools
Procedural Directive Cross Ref.: Section 504/Americans with Disabilities Act: Physical Access for
Students, Parents and Employees with Disabilities
Forms Cross Ref.: Physical Access Request Form
Revised: May 1995
Revised: April 1996
Revised: May 1996
Revised: May 1997
Revised: January 2005
Reviewed: December 2, 2014
Reviewed: January 13, 2016
Revised: January 15, 2016