PE22 Security of Digital Information: Appropriate Access Controls
In order to ensure proper security of Albuquerque Public Schools data and data systems, all district personnel shall be required to abide by the following procedural directive.
For purposes of this procedural directive, “authentication process” means a system where users have access through username and password combination, which will grant them access to appropriate district systems they use in their daily work life.
Employee Access to Digital Information
All Albuquerque Public Schools personnel shall be initially granted access to district systems appropriate to their work responsibilities. Some systems may require training before full access is permitted. Use of these systems shall be subject to the district’s acceptable technology and Internet use policies and procedural directives.
Appropriate district personnel, based on job duties, shall have access to other district data systems, including but not limited to:
- District email
- Finance systems
- Human resource and payroll systems
- Maintenance reporting systems
- Student data systems
- Leave of absence reporting systems
- Virtual private network
- Digital training and class environments
Access to these digital information systems shall be subject to the districts acceptable technology and internet use policies and procedural directives. An employee violating those policies and procedural directives may lose access to his/her access to district data systems in addition to further corrective action as necessary.
The district will communicate to all system users the proper standards, and procedures for system access.
Username Requirements
Albuquerque Public Schools shall require username sign in when employees access district data systems. Usernames shall match the employee’s district assigned employee identification number in order to better facilitate the authentication process.
Password Requirements
Albuquerque Public Schools shall require password verification when employees access district data systems. To accomplish this, Albuquerque Public Schools shall inform employees on standards and procedures related to password creation, refresh, and security.
Administrative Position: Chief Information Officer
Department Director: System Administration and Security
Legal Cross Ref.:
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
- Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Board Policy Cross Ref.:
- Albuquerque Public Schools Information Technology Password Procedure (contact Technology)
- Albuquerque Public Schools Information Technology Password Standard (contact Technology)
NSBA/NEPN Classification: EHAA
Introduced: January 28, 2011
Reviewed: February 28, 2011
Adopted: March 4, 2011