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PE1 Abbreviated Day Schedule


The abbreviated day schedule is a shortened school day that begins two hours later than the regular schedule but ends at the regular time. The most common use of the abbreviated day schedule occurs when severe weather causes street conditions that would endanger the safety of students and employees on their way to school.


The decision to implement an abbreviated day schedule requires the coordinated efforts of a number of people. The Director of School Police and Student Transportation Director for APS reviews road conditions with the roving patrol officers who work through the night. The Sheriff's Department, Albuquerque Police, the Fire Department, and State Police are contacted to help determine driving conditions. The weather bureau provides APS with the forecast for the day. When it is determined that the streets are unsafe, the Director of School Police and the District Coordinator for Student Transportation Services contact the Assistant Superintendent to recommend an abbreviated schedule.


The decision to institute an abbreviated schedule will be made prior to 6:00 A.M., so that the Director of Community Relations may notify local news media by 6:30 A.M. On mornings when weather conditions are severe, all students, parents, and employees should be advised to listen to the radio or watch television for announcements concerning the school schedule. Individual school schedules that deviate from the standard abbreviated day schedule will not be announced. Following the decision to implement an abbreviated schedule, weather conditions occasionally worsen to the point that it is necessary to close the schools. This announcement will be made to the local media at approximately 9:00 A.M. Occasionally it will be obvious the preceding evening that weather conditions will force closing of schools the next day. Whenever possible, such a decision will be made so that the Director of Community Relations may notify local news media prior to their 10:00 P.M. newscasts.

Who Reports to Work on an Abbreviated Day or When School Is Canceled

The reporting time for all employees shall be delayed up to a maximum of two hours. Administrators and custodial personnel are encouraged to report as early as possible to prepare the buildings for the school day.

Abbreviated Day Schedule

It will be up to the individual school to determine the adjustment of classes necessary to accommodate the abbreviated day schedule, taking special precautions not to discriminate against any particular period or subject area with the exception of kindergarten. When an abbreviated day is called all morning kindergarten classes are automatically cancelled. If an abbreviated day falls on a Wednesday, afternoon kindergarten classes will begin at 12:45 p.m. and continue until 3:30 p.m. All other elementary students will attend school between 11:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. if an abbreviated day is called on a Wednesday. The principal is also responsible for clarifying the exact beginning and dismissal times for parents.

NSBA/NEPN Classification: EBCE

Revised: May 1995
Revised: April 1996
Revised: May 1997
Revised: June 2002

This page was last updated on: December 9, 2009.