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PG12 In-Service Release Time Guidelines

Schools within a feeder cluster are required to have common inservice/planning days; however, an individual school may option out of any specific day with the approval of the appropriate region superintendent.

Individual schools seeking early release for the purpose of inservice must submit, at least 30 days in advance, a written proposal to the appropriate region superintendent for approval. The proposal must address the following criteria:

  1. Inservice time is a viable resource for professional development and must align with school or cluster professional development. This plan is a part of the school or cluster EPSS.
  2. Description of program, its cost, presenter, proposed agenda, and rationale for the early release of students.
  3. Schools must meet the state-mandated instructional time requirements: SBE Standard 90-2

    A.3.2.1 The school year for each of the following divisions shall be 180 teaching days or the equivalent thereof (Public School Code 22-8-9)

    A teaching day shall be defined as a day in which the school is open and the pupils are under the guidance and direction of teachers in the teaching process. Students shall be in school-directed activities, exclusive of lunch, in accordance with the following minimums: (Public School Code 22-2-8.1.)

    Kindergarten 2.5 hours/day or 450 hrs/yr

    Grades 1-6 5.5 hours/day or 990 hrs/yr

    Grades 7-12 6.0 hours/day or 1080 hrs/yr

    Please specify how these requirements will be fulfilled.
  4. Communities are to be informed about the school-released day and its purpose at least 20 school days in advance of the planned inservice.


NSBA/NEPN Classification: GCIBA

Revised: May 1995
Revised: April 1996
Revised: June 1997
Revised: June 2002

This page was last updated on: December 9, 2009.