PE8 Emergency Drills and Fire Marshal Inspections
Frequency of Drills
- There will be one (1) emergency drill per week during the first four weeks of school and four (4) emergency drills during the rest of the school year. For year-round schools, the weekly emergency drills should be conducted when a track begins so that new students are orientated.
- During the first four weeks of the school year, each school shall conduct one shelter in place drill that includes preparation to respond to an active shooter, one evacuation drill and two fire drills.
- During the rest of the school year, each school shall conduct at least four more emergency drills, at least two of which shall be fire drills.
- An obstructed emergency drill should be conducted every six (6) months. One or more exits are blocked prior to the drill. Students should not know in advance that an obstructed drill will occur.
- There should be at least one (1) emergency drill during each year when students are in the cafeterias or in the hallways during changes of classes. If the school contains an auditorium, there should be an emergency drill during the use of that facility.
- For multi-track year-round schools, this means one (1) emergency drill per week for the first six (6) weeks. D track should have three (3) drills in the first three (3) weeks; E track should have three (3) drills during weeks 4-6. In the following months there should be one drill for each track change.
- Consult the APS Safe School Response Plan for additional information.
Emergency Drill Records
- The principal or his/her designee is responsible for contacting School Police Dispatch five to ten minutes prior to conducting an emergency drill to initiate a record of the drill.
- After each emergency drill, an electronic record of the drill details shall be completed in the APS Emergency Drills online reporting system. The Emergency Drills system can be found in the School Safety Procedures Website Portal on the APS School Police Department website.
- Submit work orders for equipment repairs through SchoolDude or the Maintenance & Operation work order desk.
Guidelines for School Sites
- A member of a fire department shall be requested to be in attendance during the emergency drills for the purpose of giving instruction and constructive criticism.
- Drawing(s) clearly showing escape routes must be posted near the exit(s) of each room.
- Doors that are not exits, but may be mistaken for exits, must have a sign saying "Not a Fire Exit."
- The principal or his/her designee is responsible for sounding the fire alarm. This procedure tests the alarm system also.
- Teachers, custodians and all other employees should have definite assigned responsibilities during an emergency drill.
- Restrooms must be checked for stragglers.
- The last person to leave the room should close the door to the hall, if time allows.
- Custodians should turn off all fans, eliminate drafts and stand by to assist the Fire Department should there be a fire.
- The fire lanes must be clear and there must be access to the school.
- Students should not carry clothing or books.
- Teachers should carry class attendance records or enrollment cards outside. Attendance should be checked to be sure no one is missing. Missing students should be reported to the principal immediately.
- Students in swimming pools and gyms who are scantily dressed should form a double line at the exit door and wait to determine if there is an actual fire.
- Students should assemble at a safe distance from the building and wait for the "return to the building" signal. Classes should evacuate at least 50 feet from the building.
- The fire alarm must be unique in sound and audible in all parts of the buildings.
- Exit signs must be illuminated constantly.
- Exit doors must open out and be equipped with panic hardware.
- Doors should never be locked or blocked during school hours or during an assembly after school hours.
- Schools with disabled students should prepare an individualized evacuation plan. The Students with Disabilities Evacuation Plan should include the individualized plan for hearing impaired, wheelchair confined, or otherwise disabled students.
- No students should be left in a building during a fire drill or actual emergency. Students should not be allowed to return to a building to retrieve possessions. A principal or principal designee(s) will be responsible for ensuring students are cleared from buildings.
- It is the principal’s duty to inspect all exit facilities to ensure that all stairways, doors and other exits are in proper condition.
- Missing students should be immediately reported to the principal.
- Substitute teachers should be informed of emergency drill methods at the time of work assignment.
- Conduct occasional fire drills with the lights out (Black-Out Drills) in schools without exterior windows.
- Principals, by law, notify the appropriate emergency responder if an emergency requires evacuation. All fires should be reported to the Fire Department. If dismissal is necessary, refer to the directive Emergency Dismissal.
- The APS Safe Schools Response Plan discusses various types of emergencies and response procedures. The plan includes required procedures and must be implemented at all schools.
Fire Marshal Inspection
APS schools are subject to inspections by the Albuquerque City fire marshals, Bernalillo County fire marshals, Kirtland Air Force Base fire marshals, State of New Mexico and APS Maintenance & Operations depending on their location. The laws governing each jurisdiction apply to the specific location. The 1991 Life Safety Code and the Uniform Fire codes are the current reference for all jurisdictions. The inspectors will report to the principal’s office, and the principal or the designee will conduct the inspection around the campus.
If violations are found at the school, a violation form will be signed by the principal. A copy of the report should also be sent to APS Maintenance & Operations. After the time allowed by the inspector, the campus is subject to a re-inspection to determine if the situation has been corrected.
Work orders will be entered by Maintenance & Operations to correct building violations. It is the principal’s responsibility to correct administrative violations.
Administrative Position:
- Chief Operations Officer
Department Director:
- APS Police Chief
- Executive Director Maintenance & Operations
Cross References:
Legal References:
- Section 22-13-14 NMSA 1978, Chapter 16, Section 188 (2019)
- Life Safety Code, 1991 (NFPA 101)
- NFPA 1, Uniform Fire Code
Board Policy Cross Reference:
Procedural Directive Cross Reference:
NSBA/NEPN Classification: EBCB
Revised: May 1995
Revised: April 1996
Reviewed: May 1997
Reviewed: January 1, 2001
Revised: September 2005
Revised: July 19, 2019