PD3 Annual Budget Formulation
A "budget control agent" is an individual officially designated by the superintendent with the authority and responsibility to act as an agent for Albuquerque Public Schools, concerning the allocation of resources to schools and departments, as outlined below.
Budget Formation
The chief financial officer, or his/her designee, shall issue a Budget Call Information request to principals, department directors and managers no later than March 31, for the subsequent fiscal year. This document shall include instructions and forms to report requirements for salary and non-salary budgets.
Control agents may be required to issue supplemental instructions and distribute forms to agencies concerned so that budget requests for each cost account may be submitted.
Budget requests should be completed and submitted to the appropriate control agent according to the date designated by the instructions.
The Budget Office shall consolidate a proposed budget from the returned budget requests. Any changes due to anticipated budgetary limitations, changed priorities, etc., will be coordinated with the control agent(s) involved. The proposed budget will be submitted to the Superintendent and Superintendent’s Leadership Team for study and approval.
The Chief Financial Officer will present the proposed budget to the Board of Education for approval.
The Chief Financial Officer will document the budget as approved by the Board of Education and submit to the School Budget Planning Unit of the Public Department of Education. This submission will be in accordance with the Manual of Procedures for Uniform Accounting and Budgeting for New Mexico School Districts and special instructions received from the Secretary of Education.
Budget Planning and Preparation
Budget control agents shall submit budget requests as outlined in the Budget Call Information to the Budget Office for each assigned cost account. If there are requirements for which cost accounts have not been assigned, the Budget Office shall establish additional cost accounts.
Budget requests submitted for salary accounts shall be requested for number of persons in full-time equivalents (FTE). Dollar requests shall be required only for stipends, overtime or part-time hourly requirements.
Budget requests for non-salary accounts shall be in specific dollar amounts. All requests shall be accompanied by a program modification form that provides justification for the request.
Budget requests shall be completed and submitted to the control agent according to the date designated by the instructions.
Budget control agents shall review individual budget requests, revise if necessary, and justify requirements based on experience factors and instructional programs objectives. Completed budget requests approved by the budget control agent shall be forwarded to the chief financial officer according to the instructions.
Budget Approval
Additional requests may require justification as they move through the following review channels:
- Leadership Team
- Superintendent
- Finance Committee
- Board of Education
- New Mexico Public Education Department Review and Hearing
Budget Implementation
On or before July 1 of each year, the New Mexico Public Education Department approves and certifies a final approved budget.
Each expenditure appropriation in the Albuquerque Public Schools budget is assigned to a manager or site administrator who is accountable for the proper expenditure of funds. Any expenditure over ten thousand dollars ($10,000) shall require approval by the appropriate Leadership Team administrator.
For salary cost accounts: The position (FTE) shall be budgeted and be subject to approval for hire by Human Resources.
For non-Salary cost accounts: approval shall be made by the site administrator for requisitions, travel, invoices, or other authorizations which result in expenditures. Approval shall be required from the appropriate Leadership Team administrator or his/her designee for expenditures over ten thousand dollars ($10,000). The administrator approval shall certify that the expenditure is necessary and appropriated for the indicated cost account.
Budget Monitoring
The Budget Office shall furnish all control agents with a Budget Status Report periodically showing transactions encumbrances expenditures to date, and the unencumbered balance. Budget control agents shall also keep their own records in whatever detail deemed necessary.
Monthly Budget Status Reports are official Albuquerque Public Schools reports and shall be reviewed by the principal or department manager in sufficient detail to assure that encumbrances and expenditures are progressing in accordance with the budget plan. Detection of apparent errors shall be promptly brought to the attention of the executive director of Budget, Planning and Analysis for correction.
Budget Changes and Amendments
During the course of the school year budget adjustments may be necessary due to changes in expenditure plans, additional resources or a loss of revenue. Documentation shall be provided to the Budget Office for all requests to adjust the final approved budget and shall be subject to approval by the Board of Education.
Budget transfers may become necessary when requirements change in an expenditure plan. A budget transfer form shall be submitted to the Budget Office to include the cost account, amount and justification for the adjustment. The request shall be subject to approval by the appropriate principal or department manager.
Budget increases may result from additional resources to the district. An increase to the budget shall require documentation of the revenue source (e.g. checks from an outside agency) and the appropriate expenditure cost account(s). Budget decreases shall require documentation of the loss of revenue (e.g. mid-year decrease in SEG) and the appropriate expenditure cost account(s).
Administrative Position: Chief Financial Officer
Department Director: Executive Director of Budget Planning and Analysis
Legal Cross Ref: §22-5-4 NMSA 1978
§22-5-14 NMSA 1978
§22-8-1 et. seq. NMSA 1978
Board Policy Cross Ref.: DB – Annual Budget Process
DB2 – Budget Transfers and Amendments
Procedural Directive Cross Ref:
Forms: Budget Call Information
Budget Status Report
Monthly Budget Status Reports
NSBA/NEPN Classification: DB
Revised: May 1995
Revised: April 1996
Revised: April 1997
Reviewed: October 5, 2012