PD7 Equipment Inventory
Property Management
Management of public property is the process of providing for its proper allocation, control, care, use, and safeguarding. Responsibility for managing public property is an obligation shared by all Albuquerque Public Schools personnel regardless of location assignment or level of supervision. These responsibilities include pecuniary liability for loss, damage, or destruction of property resulting from mismanagement, or unauthorized use. Personnel responsible for managing property may be relieved of their duties if an unsatisfactory condition is found that is attributable to mismanagement, inefficiency, or other causes within their control. Personnel must ensure that equipment is protected, conserved, and maintained. Property issued to individuals does not become private property, but remains public property.
Individuals who manage property or equipment must:
- Record property transactions and maintain appropriate records.
- Perform inventories and verify the accuracy of records.
- Provide adequate safeguards and protection for equipment.
- Maintain records of property acquisitions and re-location.
- Assure equipment is used economically, and for the intended purpose.
- Inspect stock, redistribute excesses, and dispose waste.
- Request APS identification labels and tag new equipment promptly.
All property movement, shall be reported through the software system, “TipWebIT”. If equipment is received by way of donation or transferred from a location, it shall be recorded on TipWebIT. .
The transfer of Equipment shall be initiated by the Releasing Site and accepted by the Receiving Site on TipWebIT. . Schools or other locations do not have the option of disposing of equipment. If equipment becomes damaged, obsolete, etc., contact Materials Management/Salvage for disposition.
The district is required by New Mexico statute to conduct annually, a physical inventory of assets maintained on the district Asset Management System. Once physical inventories are completed and discrepancies are researched, Capital Fiscal Services shall perform appropriate file updates on TipWebIT to maintain an accurate district Management Asset System. There is available to each site a listing of their assets on the TipWebIT system. At the start of each year, the Principal/Director shall direct to the appropriate tech or designee to produce a report for each room and employee to confirm the assets they are responsible can be located. Any changes or corrections will be entered into the TipWebIT software system.
At the end of each month, a listing of all equipment disposals for the month shall be prepared by the Materials Management department and sent to the Capital Fiscal Services. Capital Fiscal Services shall process the report and submit it to the Board of Education for approval to remove them from the Asset Management System. Upon their approval, written notice shall be sent to the New Mexico State Auditor. Thirty days from the date of the letter to the State Auditor, it may be submitted for disposal based on state regulation.
Audit of Inventory Records
A copy of the equipment inventory check out document for each site employee shall be kept by each location and must be readily available for audit at all times. These documents shall be matched against the TipWebIT records.
Administrative Position: Chief Financial Officer
Department Director: Executive Director of Accounting/Director of Capital Fiscal Services
Legal Ref.:
- 12-6-10 NMSA 1978
- 13-6-1 NMSA 1978
- 13-6-2 NMSA 1978
- 2.2.2 NMAC – Audit Rule 2009
- Governmental Accounting Standards Board #34
Board Policy Cross Ref.:
- DA – Fiscal Management Goals
- DI1 - Inventories
- KG1 Acceptance and Approval of Gifts, Grants and Donations
Procedural Directive Cross Ref.:
- Equipment Inventory
- Loaning Equipment
- Internal Audit
- Fixed Asset Certification Form
*Note: please contact Capital Fiscal Services to obtain these forms.
Procedure Manuals
- Fixed Asset Procedure Manual - TipWebIT
NSBA/NEPN Classification: DN
Revised: May 1995
Revised: April 1996
Revised: June 1997
Reviewed: January 1, 2001
Reviewed: May 10, 2016
Revised: May 17, 2016