PG9 Employee Technology Acceptable Use Policy
General Provisions
The purpose of this directive is to provide Albuquerque Public Schools employees with guidance on the proper use of the district’s information technology resources, including but not limited to the Internet, the Intranet, email, cell phones and the district’s digital network and supporting systems and the data transmitted on those systems.
The use of district technology resources is a privilege granted to employees for the enhancement of job-related functions. Employees may have limited access to these resources for personal use, if they comply with the provisions of this procedural directive. Violations of this procedural directive may result in the revocation of this privilege. Employees may also face disciplinary action up to and including termination, civil litigation, and/or criminal prosecution for misuse of these resources.
Prohibited Activities
Staff shall not upload or otherwise transfer out of the district’s direct control any software licensed to the district or data owned or licensed by the district without explicit written authorization. Staff shall not use IT resources to reveal confidential or sensitive information, student data, or any other information covered by existing state or federal privacy or confidentiality laws, regulations, rules, policies, procedures, or contract terms. Staff who engage in the unauthorized release of confidential information via the district’s IT resources will be subject to sanctions in existing policies and procedures associated with unauthorized release of such information.
Staff shall not download executable software, including freeware and shareware, unless it is required to complete their job responsibilities.
Staff shall not use district IT resources to intentionally disable or overload any computer system or network, or to circumvent any system intended to protect the privacy or security of the district’s IT resources.
Unauthorized access to the Internet is prohibited from any device that is attached to any part of the district’s network.
Staff shall not access, store, display, distribute, edit, or record sexually explicit or extremist material using district IT resources. Violation of this procedural directive may result in immediate disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. The incidental and unsolicited receipt of sexually explicit or extremist material, such as might be received through email, shall not constitute a violation of this section, provided that the material is promptly deleted and neither stored nor forwarded to other parties.
Staff shall not be punished if prohibited materials are forwarded to the Technology Department to alert them that material has been received. Examples of this material include, but are not limited to, SPAM and phishing emails.
Staff is prohibited from accessing or attempting to access IT resources for which they do not have explicit authorization by means of user accounts, valid passwords, file permissions or other legitimate access and authentication methods. It is a violation of district procedural directive to grant another individual access to any district accounts that have been authorized to you; or use another individual’s district authorized accounts, user-ids and/or passwords.
Personal Use of the Internet
Occasional and incidental personal use of the district’s IT resources and Internet access is allowed subject to limitations.
Personal use of the internet is prohibited if:
- It materially interferes with the use of IT resources by the district; or
- Such use burdens the district with additional costs; or
- Such use interferes with the staff member’s employment duties or other obligations to the district; or
- Such personal use includes any activity that is prohibited under any district procedural directive.
Information and Records
The Albuquerque Public Schools may install software and/or hardware to monitor and record all IT resources usage, including email and Web site visits. The district retains the right to record or inspect any and all files stored on district systems.
Staff shall have no expectations of privacy with respect to district IT resource usage. Staff are advised that serious disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment may result from evidence of prohibited activity obtained through monitoring or inspection of electronic messages, files, or electronic storage devices. Illegal activity involving district IT resource usage may be referred to appropriate authorities for prosecution.
All employees who have access to or may have access to personally identifiable student records shall adhere to all standards included in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and other applicable laws and regulations, as they related to the release of student information.
Cellular Phones
Employees issued a district cellular phone shall have no expectations of privacy with respect to the content on the device. This includes, but is not limited to, internet usage, phone calls, text messages, photos, email, notes and applications. Prohibited activities outlined in this procedural directive shall apply to activity on district cellular phones.
District cellular phones and related content are subject to provisions of the Inspection of Public Records Act, including any personal information that may be housed on the district cellular phone. Pursuant to state statute, public records may not be intentionally destroyed once the information has been formally requested through the Custodian of Public Records.
Employee personal cellular phones may be subject to the Inspection of Public Records Act if the employee has engaged in Albuquerque Public Schools business on their personal phone.
Administrative Position: Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources/Chief Technology Officer
Department Director:
Legal Cross Ref.: The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
NM State Internet Usage Rule, Title 1, Chapter 12, Part 10
§22-2-21 NMSA 1978
Board Policy Cross Ref.: GB6 – Acceptable Employee Use of Technology
EH – Security of Digital Information Procedural Directive Cross Ref.: Bullying and Cyberbullying Prevention
Forms Cross Ref.: Agreement for Acceptable Use of Networks, Including the Internet
NSBA/NEPN Classification: GBEB
Approved: January 2005
Revised: January 2005
Reviewed: November 17, 2015
Revised: November 19, 2015