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Workers' Compensation

Find information about Worker's Compensation eligibility and application.

Applying for Worker's Comp. Leave

The Process

Applying for Worker's Compensation Leave: The Process

The Forms

These leaves are applied for and approved in the Human Resources Leaves Office, 6400 Uptown Blvd. NE, Suite 210 East, (505) 889-4865.

All paperwork must be original and no third party faxes.

To be eligible for an extended workers' compensation medical leave of absence, an employee must have worked for APS a minimum of one (1) contract year just prior to the leave start date.

APS provides medical treatment for employees for work-related injuries and indemnity pay for lost time in accordance with State law.

Non-Life-Threatening Injuries

To report a work-related injury:

  • Notify your supervisor immediately.
  • Call APS Risk Management at (505) 830-8466 and leave a message on the recorder, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • An Adjuster will call you back within 24 hours.
  • Submit completed New Mexico Workers' Compensation Administration Notice of Accident form  to your supervisor within fifteen (15) days of the accident or injury.

Life-Threatening Emergencies

For life-threatening emergencies call 911 or seek treatment at the nearest hospital emergency facility.

If you will miss more than ten (10) days of work apply for an Extended Leave.

Extended Leaves Policy

All leaves of ten (10) consecutive work days or less must be requested through and approved by the employee’s principal or supervisor. Extended leave of more than ten (10) consecutive days, with or without pay, must be requested through the Human Resources Leaves Office. Employees must complete the required Leave Forms and receive the necessary approval before the leave requested may be taken.

When an employee becomes ill or is injured on the job, sick leave begins at the time of inability to continue work, to the nearest half-hour. An employee, who is already on annual leave, personal leave or leave without pay, including parental leave, may not be eligible to use sick leave benefits.

While on an approved leave, an employee may not volunteer or perform any duties for the APS District or utilize APS property for personal use.

This page was last updated on: July 27, 2011.