Bereavement (Funeral) Leave
Talk to your supervisor to request permission to use Bereavement Leave.
For more information about Bereavement Leave, contact Payroll at (505) 872-6880.
Up to three (3) working days of leave with pay (not charged to other leave time) may be granted, upon request, to regular full-time employees for the death of that employee’s Immediate member.
If requested, an additional two (2) days may be granted with pay. If the death occurs at a time when work is not scheduled, payment will not be made. Management reserves the right to request and obtain verification documentation regarding bereavement leave before approval at its discretion.
If a holiday or part of your vacation occurs on any of the days of absence, you may not receive holiday or vacation pay in addition to paid funeral leave.
Extended Leaves Policy
All leaves of ten (10) consecutive work days or less must be requested through and approved by the employee’s principal or supervisor.
Extended leave of more than ten (10) consecutive days, with or without pay, must be requested through the Human Resources Leaves Office. Employees must complete the required Leave Forms and receive the necessary approval before the leave requested may be taken.
While on an approved leave, the employee:
- may not volunteer or perform any duties for the APS District
- May not utilize APS property for personal use
- Must turn in all APS equipment (keys, laptops, etc.) prior to the start date