Sick Leave
Talk to your supervisor to request permission to use Sick Leave.
For more information about Sick Leave, contact Payroll at (505) 872-6880.
- Sick Leave may be granted, upon request, to all eligible employees.
- The rate of sick leave accrual varies with employee groups.
- APS may, in its sole and absolute discretion, require a doctor's certificate verifying the necessity for absence(s).
- Unused paid sick leave may be accumulated.
- The allowable number of accumulated hours and/or days may be different with each employee group.
Leave of Absence
In case of an illness which exceeds the employee's accumulated paid sick leave or ten (10) calendar days, whichever comes first, the employee must submit a Form A Leave of Absence Request Form (PDF) to the Human Resources Department. A physician’s certification must also be submitted. The certification must contain a probable date of return. Both forms may be picked up in the Human Resources Leaves Office or downloaded from this website.
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
FMLA will be granted to employees who have worked for APS for at least twelve (12) months and who have worked at least 1250 hours or the equivalent of a full work year in the previous 12 months. FMLA is limited to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per rolling calendar year. Intermittent leave will be addressed according to FMLA Law. For more information regarding FMLA Law visit the New Mexico DOH Family and Medical Leave website.
Before returning to employment, the employee must submit a physician's release and Return to Work Certificate completed by the employee’s treating physician. APS reserves the right to use a medical advisor in order to determine whether the existing medical records support the leave extension.
Use of Sick Leave
- Inappropriate or improper use of sick leave may be cause for disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.
- Sick leave accruals will discontinue when an employee is on a leave without pay status.
- In the event of an illness or injury that is covered by workers' compensation insurance, this Sick Leave Policy will not apply, but will defer to state statutes.
- At the time of termination of employment, the employee will receive no additional pay for unused sick leave.
- If an employee uses five (5) days or less of sick leave during a fiscal year, that employee will be entitled to an additional day of Personal Leave during the next fiscal year. An employee may use and accrue personal leave days as noted in Personal Leave.
Extended Leaves Policy
- All leaves of ten (10) consecutive work days or less must be requested through and approved by the employee’s principal or supervisor.
- Extended leave of more than ten (10) consecutive days, with or without pay, must be requested through the Human Resources Leaves Office. Employees must complete the required Leave Forms and receive the necessary approval before the leave requested may be taken.
- When an employee becomes ill or is injured on the job, sick leave begins at the time of inability to continue work, to the nearest half-hour. An employee, who is already on annual leave, personal leave or leave without pay, including parental leave, may not be eligible to use sick leave benefits.
While on an approved leave, an employee may:
- Not volunteer or perform any duties for the APS District
- Not utilize APS property for personal use
- Must turn in all APS property (keys, laptops, etc.) prior to the Leave start date