21. Controlled Substance
A controlled substance is defined as any substance capable of producing a change in behavior or altering a state of mind or feeling. Controlled substances include but are not limited to alcohol, marijuana, narcotics, amphetamine, barbiturate, hallucinogens, prescription drugs, over the counter drugs, synthetic drugs or intoxicants of any kind. This does not include tobacco or tobacco products. Possession, distribution and/or use of a controlled substance, including alcohol, presents a health concern for students and is a potential disruption to the educational process.
- A higher-level Controlled Substance must be substantiated with a police report*: i.e. Cocaine, Crack Cocaine, Fentanyl, Oxy, Hydrocodone/Vicodin, Methamphetamine, Heroine, PCP, and Percocet
- Parent Involvement Program (PIP) Referral Form*
- Signs of Under the Influence/Nurse Report*
- Suspension of Extracurricular*
- If the student has completed or is actively participating in or is waiting for PIP, continue short-term suspension, with the exception of 21d. Controlled Substance, Sale or Distribution.
Parent Involvement Program (PIP) is a program to support students and families. As an alternative to suspension, when a student has a controlled substance infraction, the administrator will offer optional participation in PIP, a psycho-educational intervention provided by an APS Crossroads Counselor (school counselors with specialized training in the area of substance use/misuse). PIP creates a non-judgmental and supportive environment where the student and their parent/legal guardian are connected to information that will increase their knowledge and understanding of why people use substances, the impact of use on developing brains and life, refusal skills and alternatives to use. The Crossroads Counselor will share community resources and make outside referrals when appropriate along with being an ongoing resource and support themselves for the student and their family. The goal of PIP and Crossroads involvement is to equip the student to make better choices and decrease the likelihood of re-offense.
“Possession” as used herein, includes not only possession on one’s physical person, but also custody and control on APS property or at an APS event. Thus, a student may be found in possession of any item if the item is in the student’s backpack, locker, car, or elsewhere, if subject to the student’s custody and control.
21a. Controlled Substance, Use or Under the Influence
Alcohol/Illegal Drugs/Inhalants: No student will be under any degree of influence of alcoholic beverages (including related products such as "near" beer, non-alcoholic beer, and non-alcoholic wine coolers), inhalants, and/or illegal drugs, narcotics, hallucinogens, amphetamines, barbiturates, marijuana, marijuana oils, synthetic Cannabinoids. Legal intoxication is not required for violation of this Code of Conduct.
Kindergarten to 3rd
- Utilize intervention strategies
- Do not exceed maximum consequences for 4th-5th Grade.
- General practice for K-3 is a suspension of no more than 3 days for a single incident and no referral to hearing.
- Additional consequences allowed with Associate approval
- Utilize intervention strategies
- 1st Violation - Up to 1 day Suspension
- 2nd Violation - Up to 3 day Suspension
- 3rd Violation - Up to 5 days Suspension & School Contract
- 4th Violation - Up to Long-term Suspension Hearing
1st Violation - Up to 1 day Suspension with PIP referral* & Up to 3 days with PIP Refusal
2nd Violation - Up to 3 days Suspension with referral to PIP, Up to 5 days if refusal or has completed PIP, School Contract & PIP referral if did not attend on first violation
3rd Violation - Up to Long-term Suspension Hearing
Lesser Consequences/Disposition will be considered for Violation 3 if the student/family are registered for PIP.*
21b. Controlled Substance, Paraphernalia Possession
Possessing any paraphernalia, such as but not limited to rolling paper, pipes, bongs or vape pens.
Kindergarten to 3rd
- Utilize intervention strategies
- Do not exceed maximum consequences for 4th-5th Grade.
- General practice for K-3 is a suspension of no more than 3 days for a single incident and no referral to hearing.
- Additional consequences allowed with Associate approval
- Utilize intervention strategies
- 1st Violation - Up to 1 day Suspension
- 2nd Violation - Up to 3 day Suspension
- 3rd Violation - Up to 5 days Suspension & Contract
- 4th Violation - Up to Long-term Suspension Hearing
1st Violation - Up to 3 day suspension or up to 1 day Suspension with PIP referral* & Up to 3 days with PIP Refusal
2nd Violation - Up to 3 days Suspension with referral to PIP, Up to 5 days if refusal or has completed PIP, School Contract & PIP referral if did not attend on first violation
3rd Violation - Up to Long-term Suspension Hearing
Lesser Consequences/Disposition will be considered for Violation 3 if the student/family are registered for PIP.*
21c. Controlled Substance, Possession
Possessing any substance capable of producing a change in behavior or altering a state of mind or feeling.
Kindergarten to 3rd
- Utilize intervention strategies
- General practice is K-3 is not suspended more than 3 days for a single incident and is not brought to hearing.
- Additional consequences allowed with Associate approval
- Utilize intervention strategies
- 1st Violation - Up to 1 days Suspension
- 2nd Violation - Up to 3 day Suspension
- 3rd Violation - Up to 5 days Suspension & School Contract
- 4th Violation - Up to Long-term Suspension Hearing
1st Violation
- Up to 3 day suspension or up to 1 day Suspension with PIP referral* & Up to 4 days with PIP Refusal
- Up to Long-term Suspension Hearing* if Higher Level Controlled Substance
2nd Violation - Up to 3 days Suspension with referral to PIP, UP to 5 days if refusal or has completed PIP, Schoool Contract & PIP referral if did not attend on first violation
3rd Violation - Up to Long-term Suspension Hearing
Lesser Consequences/Disposition will be considered for Violation 3 if the student/family are registered for PIP.*
21d. Controlled Substance, Sale or Distribution
Selling or distributing a substance capable of producing a change of behavior or altering a state of mind or feeling or an item sold as a controlled substance. Distribution is not “sharing”. Distribution requires a quantity of product that has been broken into sale portion(s) and quantities of money, cash applications/digital pay, or any other means indicating possible purchase. Distribution and sale require evidence to include photos and a police report to support the charge.
- Suspension of Extracurricular*
- This infraction requires a police report with the charge of Distribution of a Controlled Substance.*
Kindergarten to 3rd
- Utilize intervention strategies
- Do not exceed maximum consequences for 4th-5th Grade.
- General practice for K-3 is a suspension of no more than 3 days for a single incident and no referral to hearing.
- Additional consequences allowed with Associate approval
- Utilize intervention strategies
- 1st Violation - Up to Long-term Suspension Hearing
1st Violation
- Long-term Suspension Hearing
- Up to Expulsion Hearing* if Higher Level Controlled Substance
2nd Violation - Same School Year - Up to Expulsion Hearing
Asterisk (*) Indicates Additional Required action for any Consequence to ensure Student Due Process
Required actions for ALL infractions Listed Below:
- Staff/Student Contact in Student Information System
- Administrative/Parent/Legal Guardian Contact/Conference in the families home language (Schools can only discuss your child in accordance with FERPA Guidelines.)
- Copy of the Referral provided to Parent/Legal Guardian printed from the Student Information System
Updated as of July 2024