Goals and Guardrails
Goal 1: Early Literacy
The percentage of third-grade students identified in the Yazzie-Martinez decision plus African American students who demonstrate grade level proficiency or above on the state English Language Arts (ELA) summative assessment will increase from 27.3% in May 2023 to 37.3% in May 2028.
Goal 2: Math Proficiency
The percentage of eighth-grade students identified in the Yazzie-Martinez decision and African American students who demonstrate grade level proficiency or above on the state mathematics summative assessment will increase from 11.1% in May 2023 to 21.1% in May 2028.
Goal 3: Post-Secondary Readiness
The percentage of high school graduates who earn credit in two or more Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, or Dual Credit courses, or earn an industry certification or Bilingual Seal, will increase from 39.6% in September 2023 to 49.6% in September 2028.
Goal 4: Skills, Habits, and Mindset for Life Success
Increase the percentage of students who demonstrate the skills, habits, and mindsets most aligned to life success: perseverance, self-regulation, self-efficacy, and social awareness as measured by an evidence-based and aligned tool from:
- Perseverance: 51% in 2023 to 61% in 2028
- Self-Regulation: 65% in 2023 to 75% in 2028
- Self-Efficacy from 44% in 2023 to 54% in 2028
- Social Awareness from 58% in 2023 to 68% in 2028
Guardrail 1: Wraparound Support Systems
The superintendent will not allow the district to operate with inequitable distribution of school and/or community-based wraparound and support systems.
Guardrail 2: Equitable Allocation of Resources
The superintendent will not allow resources to be allocated inequitably.
Guardrail 3: High-Quality Curriculum and Instruction
The superintendent will not allow curriculum and instruction that is not district and standards-aligned, challenging, culturally and linguistically responsive, and differentiated to meet the academic needs of all students.
Guardrail 4: Family and Community Engagement
The superintendent will not exclude parent/legal guardian, student, and community voice and engagement in school and district operations.
Guardrail 5: Staff Voice and Support
The superintendent will not implement programs or procedures in schools without staff voice, high-quality professional development, and essential material and human resources.
Updated as of July 2024