26. Battery/Sexual
Sexual battery is defined as a student intentionally making physical contact with the intimate parts of the body of another person without the consent of that person. Intimate body parts include the primary genital area, anus, groin, inner thighs, buttocks or breasts. No student will commit any act of sexual battery on school property, school buses, or at school-sponsored events. Behaviors that implicate Title IX regulations will be referred to the Office of Equal Opportunity Services (EOS).
Refer to #17 Harassment/Sexual if the police report does not support the violation.
Administrator Referral to APS Police and then Referral to EOS*
This infraction requires a police report with the appropriate charge*
Non-Discrimination, Title VI, VII and Title IX
- Non-Discrimination, Title VI, VII and Title IX complaints by students/parents/employees filing an internal complaint can be filed with:
- Office of Equal Opportunity Services, Title IX Director, APS, 6400 Uptown Blvd, NE, Suite 510W
- Formal Complaint Form
- Email: eosoffice@aps.edu
- Phone: (505) 855-9831
- Report a Concern
Asterisk (*) Indicates Additional Required action for any Consequence to ensure Student Due Process
Required actions for ALL infractions Listed Below:
- Staff/Student Contact in Student Information System
- Administrative/Parent/Legal Guardian Contact/Conference in the families home language (Schools can only discuss your child in accordance with FERPA Guidelines.)
- Copy of the Referral provided to Parent/Legal Guardian printed from the Student Information System
- Consequences determined after outcome of investigation
- If charges substantiated - Up to Expulsion Hearing
Updated as of July 2024