Student Violation Definitions, Consequences, Disposition
School is a place to learn and to be part of a community where students, staff, and families are respectful, responsible and safe. If a student is behaving in a way that does not allow other students to learn and/or feel safe, school staff will need to intervene. Students, whether receiving general or special education services, may need to receive interventions for disruptive behavior.
Administrators may impose consequences to maintain the safety and security of the school population. The definitions and charts in the consequences section are meant to guide administrators in the decision-making process when determining consequences.
Each section has a range of enrolled students. In addition to the grade ranges, administrators also take into consideration the varying degrees of actions or the severity of the actions within any single definition when making a determination. A student violation could have actions that fall into multiple areas. Required actions are indicated, while other actions are determined by the administrator.
- Disciplinary and restorative consequences will be appropriate for a student’s age, ability level, and severity of behavior.
- Class grades will not be reduced because of unacceptable conduct or disciplinary action.
- Grades will not be reduced as a direct penalty for inappropriate behavior.
Consequences/Disposition for any infraction listed in the Code of Conduct will be documented in Synergy and a copy of the referral given to the parent/legal guardian.
Updated as of July 2024
Conduct and Consequences
- 1. Bus Disruption
- 2. Dress Code Violation
- 3. General Disruptive Conduct and/or Defiance
- 4. Language, Profane and/or Abusive
- 5. False Accusations
- 6. Material/Image, Obscene
- 7. False Alarm/Fire Alarm
- 8. Trespassing, Unauthorized Presence
- 9. Theft
- 10. Robbery
- 11. Extortion
- 12. Vandalism
- 13. Arson
- 14. Bullying
- 15. Cyberbullying
- 16. Audio/Video Recording or Photographs
- 17. Harassment
- 18. Hate Incident/Racialized Aggression
- 19. Gang-Affiliated Activity
- 20. Tobacco/Nicotine: Possession, Paraphernalia, Use
- 21. Controlled Substance
- 22. Assault / Intimidation
- 23. Fighting/Public Affray
- 24. Battery
- 25a. Aggravated Assault/Battery I
- 25b. Aggravated Assault/Battery II
- 26. Battery/Sexual
- 27. Threats of Violence Against the School or a Person
- 28. Weapon Possession
- 29. Weapon Use
- 30. Firearm Possession
- 31. Firearm Use