New Hire Orientation for B Schedule Employees
Secretary and Clerk
Welcome to Albuquerque Public Schools. If you have been hired into the “B” Salary Schedule, you will be working either at a high school, middle school or elementary school site or at a non-school based site at City Center or one of the many other non-school based sites within the APS District.
You are working under a Negotiated Agreement or Contract signed off by the Albuquerque Federation of Classified Professionals Union and APS. You can access the Negotiated Agreement online. The Contract for our Unit can be found under Human Resources Labor Relations. Please become familiar with this Agreement – these are your job rights and are enforced by the AFCP. The latest pay scale information is located within the contract as well as longevity payment information at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 years of service with the District.
You are encouraged to go to the APS Web Site and become familiar with all the important information that pertains to you for training, wellness, your paycheck, sick leave and on-the-job information you will need. The Site is divided into three main parts — Students/Parents, Community, and Employees. Get acquainted with them all, but the most important, as a New Hire, is the section pertaining to Employees. We also suggest that you open the A-Z Directory to see how APS operates.
Key Areas for You to Know
- AFCP/APS Contract / Negotiated Agreement:
Located on the Human Resources Department webpage.
- APS Bookkeeper Training:
- Visit Lawson Financial Training in the APS Employee Intranet.
- APS/AFCP Career Ladder Program for “B” Schedule Employees:
- The brochure for this program is located on the Human Resources web page. It pays out $1,245 added to your hourly rate base pay for completion of 23 credit hours of related classroom training.
- Data Entry/Synergy:
- For Attendance, Enrollment, Disenrollment – Student Information System (Synergy System) – located under the Office of Accountability and Reporting. The Student Information Systems (SIS) Department is responsible for collecting, maintaining and reporting student information. SIS is responsible for migrating student data to AIMS, APS's Instructional Management System, which takes the data and transforms it into information staff can use to drive instruction. Training is available.
- APS Employee Handbook:
- The APS Employee Handbook works in conjunction with the ASCA/AFCP Negotiated Agreement.
APS Intranet
The Intranet is accessed by APS Employees only, for work you will be performing in your job role. For more information, please contact Human Resources at (505) 880-3700 or the Technology Department at (505) 830-8080. Become familiar with the Employee Intranet. Check weekly for special notices and announcements.
APS Payroll Department
Payroll is responsible for processing payroll for all APS employees. This includes all regular contract employees, students, substitutes, and hourly employees.
Employee Training
Contract Human Resources at (505) 880-3700 for information on training available for all positions within the “B” Salary schedule.
Employee Wellness
Provides support and resources for employees to better their wellness for long-term positive outcomes. Visit Employee Wellness to access health resources and information to help you in your wellness.
The APS Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a free confidential short-term program that helps employees work through various life challenges that may adversely affect job performance. Employees do not have to be enrolled in APS's medical plan to obtain services. Please feel free to call the EAP office at (505) 884-9738.
Human Resources Department
The Human Resources Department is dedicated to the recruitment and retention of a quality workforce in support of student success. Albuquerque Public Schools employs over 11,500 full-time employees, including teachers, support staff, administrators, and school police, who provide services to approximately 85,000 students. Contact Human Resources by phone at (505) 880-3700.
Lawson Financial Training
Contact Lawson by phone at (505) 880-3792 or (505) 880-8097 or by email at
Lawson is needed especially if you work at a school site and are the bookkeeper. There are also high-level bookkeepers working at non-school based sites. You can schedule Lawson training online.
- Lawson Requisition Entry Training:
- Training on entering orders/expenses in the Lawson requisition module. The expense account structure, and the process for entering purchases into the system. Scenarios are available to aid the user in entering expenses/orders; payment; and delivery of goods and services.
- Tracking & Reporting Training:
- Prerequisite Lawson Requisition Entry.
- Track the status of orders/purchases. Reporting functionality and as well as electronic receiving. For both requesters and approvers. Must first attend the requisition course or have experience with Lawson.
- Lawson Employee Time-off Request Online Entry Training:
- This is a new course designed to train all Administration/Support staff, that have direct reports, on the new online procedures for entering employee time off requests for personal, sick, professional, and annual leave.
Additional Information
- APS Mandatory Training:
- Listed on the Human Resources webpage. These trainings are not eligible for credit on the Career Ladder Program.
- APS Pension Program:
- NMERB information can be found on the Human Resources Department link.
- APS School Registrar:
- Must be familiar with the Parchment Program and know graduation requirements and be able to work with student transcripts. Training information available through Human Resources.
- Substitute Services:
- Information for those Secretaries/Clerks who are involved with obtaining substitutes for the schools. Under Human Resources – see the Substitute Services Secretarial Handbook.
Sick Leave Bank (SLB)
This is a great Program negotiated by the AFCP and APS. Enrollment in this program is offered during initial employee processing with APS Benefits Department. You may utilize after one year with the District. Phone 889-4858
APS, ATF, AEAA, and AFCP recognize the need for an available pool of sick leave days upon which eligible employees, having experienced catastrophic illnesses or injuries, may draw upon to alleviate great financial hardship. To this end, we have established a self-funded Sick Leave Bank.
Generally, pregnancy, intermittent, or chronic conditions are not covered by the Sick Leave Bank. The Sick Leave Bank's purpose is to provide sick leave coverage to those employees intending to return to work upon recovery from their illness or injury.
Technology Department
Contact the Service Desk for technology issues for passwords, APS-approved computer software, hardware, wireless, networks, telephones, and printers/copiers.
How to contact the Service Desk:
- Request help through the Service Desk's online form
- By phone at (505) 830-8080
- Through the self-service portal
Have the following information ready:
- Your name
- Your employee ID e-number and APS email password
- Your department or school location number
For hardware issues, have this information ready:
- Type of computer you're using (Mac or PC)
- Hardware model number
- APS property number