Career Ladder Program
The Career Ladder Program is a professional training program for "B" Schedule Employees in partnership with Albuquerque Federation of Classified Professionals and Albuquerque Public Schools.
Program Information:
- AFCP President, Kathy Chavez,
- AFCP Member Service Specialist, Brenda Frayre,
- APS Human Resources, Classified Staffing, (505) 889-4822, Adriana Rangel,
APS / AFCP Career Ladder Program History
The Career Ladder Program is open to all “B” Salary Schedule employees. The program identifies post-high school coursework approved as providing training for bargaining unit members to help these employees enhance skills, knowledge, and work-related abilities applicable to their occupations within APS.
Encouraging employees to take online courses through university or college coursework, continuing education credit units, distance learning, and certificates earned from APS pertaining to “B” Schedule work.
APS and AFCP Working Together
The Albuquerque Public Schools and the Albuquerque Federation of Classified Professionals Union, AFCP, have worked together over the last several years to fine-tune the Career Ladder Program. The CLP has been offered to “B” Schedule employees since 1987. It has evolved from the past Level One and Level Two to the present Career Ladder Program. With the changes implemented over time from union negotiations, you can now focus on your goals.
The District and the AFCP shall collaborate on the planning and implementation of the Career Ladder Provision.
The goal has been to implement a professional development program that would meet the needs of the “B” Schedule employees and the District.
Career Ladder At A Glance
Employees who successfully complete and/or are granted credit for required courses shall receive a differential as follows:
- Differential paid to “B” Schedule employees who successfully earn 23 credit hours is $1,245 added to the employee’s hourly rate base pay.
- Differential paid to “B” Schedule employees who successfully earn half of the 23 credit hours, 12+, is $622.50 added to the employee’s hourly rate base pay.
Active “B” Schedule Employees eligible for payment shall receive a ONE TIME differential, inclusive of other compensation received for completion of prior CLP training. The differential shall be added to the employee’s hourly rate base pay in July of the Fiscal Year following successful completion.
Completing the Program
The CLP is completed through coursework taken from any accredited higher education institution, university or college, continuing education or certificates issued from APS for classes pertaining to your work.
If you have taken a class that you feel will count toward your credit hours and a certificate is not issued, you will be able to download a Proof of Attendance Record form online, have the teacher sign it and turn this in with your other Differential Submission documents.
Timeline Validity for Courses Taken
Technology coursework that is no older than two years.
CLP class expenses are reimbursed. Not only do you learn a valuable skill or enhance the skills you have, as you are completing coursework for the Career Ladder, but you are also reimbursed for your expenses for courses successfully completed with a “C” or better.
As part of the negotiated agreement between APS and AFCP, employees who satisfactorily complete approved courses as designated in the CLP will be reimbursed for tuition, books, and fees for each course successfully completed, not to exceed a total of $200.
To receive reimbursement, employees must submit receipts for all costs and an official school record/transcript showing successful completion of the course by submitting the CLP Course Reimbursement Form to the Human Resources Department available from APS Human Resources, Compensation Department website.
Attach original receipts for the expenses to the form along with transcripts, certificates of completion, and any other proof of course completion. To submit for reimbursement, the employee must be working within the “B” salary schedule and also must be participating and earning credits toward completion of the Career Ladder Program.
Challenging A Course
Some learning institutions allow a student to challenge out of a class if you feel you have the knowledge that the course teaches. You may be able to take a test that measures that knowledge. Check with the school to see if they allow a challenge. Attach proof of a successful challenge when you are ready to submit for your CLP differential payment.
How do I get my Pay Differential?
What is the deadline for submission?
In order to receive your salary differential for CLP, please verify that you have completed either the full 23 credit hours or half of the credit hours, 12+. To verify that you have completed the course credit hours required for the pay differential, you must provide:
- Official copies of College/University transcripts
- Make sure that official College/University transcripts are from the school attended.
- Unofficial College/University transcripts will not be accepted.
- Certificates from APS training you completed related to your job
- Proof of CEU credit from Continuing Education Programs
- Submit a successful proof of a challenged course and other proof of attendance record documentation. Time to completion must be indicated on all proof of attendance documentation that is not on a transcript.
About the Letter Requesting Pay Differential
You will also write a letter indicating that you are requesting a Pay Differential that indicates that you have successfully passed or challenged the number of courses, 12+ or 23+ credit hours, to qualify for the Pay Differential.
Your letter and all transcripts and other proof of attendance certificates must be received by September 15 in order for you to qualify for the Pay Differential. Use the Tally Sheet (PDF) to document your completed course hours. Submit the completed Tally Sheet with your letter.
- Include the following in your letter for the pay differential: Name, employee number, location, and job title
- Indicate that you are requesting a pay differential as part of CLP
- Indicate whether you have completed 23+ or 12+ credit hours
- Indicate the courses you successfully completed or challenged and the dates
- Indicate if you are now receiving compensation for the Old Level One or Level Two Career Ladder Program or for half of the 23 credit hours.
Note: You can be reimbursed for CLP course expenses not to exceed $200 which is not included in the differential, but you cannot receive additional differential payments beyond a total of $1,245. If you completed the Old Level One, or you have completed and have received the differential for half of the credit hours required and are not submitting additional hours to equal 23 credit hours, your Pay Differential will be calculated accordingly with any new hours you submit.
What happens after I submit my request for the Pay Differential?
After September 15 of each year, a Joint APS/AFCP Committee will review all CLP submissions of completion and applicants will be notified of approval or denial of their applications.
Areas of Approved Study
What to focus on for completion of the CLP Coursework pertaining to your job.
- Technical/Business Procedures
- Information Technology (IT)
- Interpersonal Skills
- Writing/Communication
- “B” Schedule Core Competencies
- Any Course that pertains to the work you perform while employed in the “B” Salary Schedule
- Continuing Education
- Distance Learning
- New: Up to six credit hours of Foreign Language studies
- Training Certificates, other than mandatory, issued from APS related to your job