Albuquerque Teachers Federation (ATF)
Documents for the Albuquerque Teachers Federation.
- APS-ATF Joint Preliminary Agreements Letter (PDF)
- ATF-APS Negotiated Agreement 2023-2025 for SY24-25 (PDF)
- COVID-19 Memoranda of Understanding (PDF)
- ATF Addendum 2018-19 (PDF)
- ATF Action Memo 2019 (PDF)
- APS-ATF Career Pathway System (PDF)
- ATF Instructional Coach Guidelines 2012 (PDF)
- Mentor Program Recruitment Flyer
- National Teacher Academy Flyer 2023 (PDF)
- PD Memo 2024-2025 Updated 5.30.2024
- Joint Announcement TA APS ATF Negotiated Agreement Final pending GB approval