Changes to Marital or Domestic Partner Status
APS Benefits Department must be notified of changes to marital, domestic partner, and eligible dependent status.
We know considering healthcare benefits during difficult life situations, like divorce, may not be top of mind. But, if you have a change in marital status due to divorce or a change in domestic partner status, you must contact the APS Benefits office to disenroll your ex-spouse, ex-partner, and any of their dependents (solely their child dependents, who are also no longer eligible due to the change), from APS Benefits medical, dental and vision plans.
To clarify for this situation: An ineligible dependent is an ex-spouse, ex-domestic partner, or a child who is exclusively the dependent of the ex-spouse or ex-domestic partner (not your biological, adopted or court-assigned child/dependent).
It is fraudulent to continue coverage for an ex-spouse or ex-domestic partner, and ineligible dependents, on the APS active medical or other benefits plans. Please contact the APS Benefits office to complete and submit an enrollment/change form via Winocular, as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the month in which the divorce is final or domestic partnership is no longer valid. Supporting documentation is required, such as finalized divorce degree or the 'Termination of Domestic Partnership' form (located in the APS Domestic Partners Policy). If you are unsure about domestic partner eligibility please check the Albuquerque Public Schools Domestic Partners Policy.
If you are in this situation and neglected to disenroll the ineligible dependents in the timeframe described above, please contact the APS Benefits office immediately. You must get this corrected NOW. If you allow ineligible dependent enrollments to continue, you risk losing your own benefits coverage (and that of your eligible dependents) and potential employment disciplinary action.
This alert is intended to bring attention to this specific scenario, but any type of misinformation or misrepresentation of information to acquire or continue benefits coverage is considered insurance fraud.