Fast Facts
School Type | Amount |
Elementary | 88 |
Middle | 28 |
High | 22 |
K-8th Grade | 4 |
Number of Traditional Schools | 142 |
Special Education Centers | 3 |
Charter Schools: APS Authorized | 30 |
Charter Schools: State Authorized | 26 |
Total Number of Albuquerque Schools | 201 |
School Type | Amount |
Elementary | 29,761 |
Middle | 13,275 |
High | 22,773 |
K-8th Grade | 2,916 |
Pre-K / Early Childhood | 797 |
Traditional School Enrollment | 69,522 |
Charter Schools - APS Authorized | 9,249 |
Total APS Enrollment | 78,771 |
Interesting Facts
How much does it cost to run APS?
$2.19 Billion
What is the current Graduation Rate?
Albuquerque Public Schools graduation rate for the Class of 2021 was 75.7%, an increase of one percentage point in a year and 14 percentage points in seven years.
What is the total under roof square footage used by APS?
1,200 square miles with 13 million square feet of instructional space
How many ESL students are there in APS?
14,000 students (about 17%) speak a language other than English at home
How many SPED students are there in APS?
14,500 students (about 17%) have disabilities. APS serves a disproportionate number of SPED students compared to other districts and charter schools in the state because Albuquerque is a hub for services
How many employees work for APS?
APS is the largest employer in Albuquerque, providing full-time jobs for more than 12,000 people including 6,000 teachers
What percentage of all construction in Albuquerque was tied to APS during the recession?
What is the number of meals APS school cafeterias serve to students each day?
What is the total square footage of Cafeteria and Kitchen used by APS?
686,336 Square Feet
How many miles to APS buses travel to get students to and from school?
39,000 each day, that's 6 million miles a year, or 240 trips to the moon
More information about Albuquerque Public Schools.
This page was last updated on:
June 22, 2022.