What is Pre-k?
Pre-K is an opportunity for children to be successful. Children come to the classroom with previous experience and they have an opportunity with their families to develop positive home school connections as part of their transition process to school age. Pre-K children learn to be learners, how to be curious about how things work and find answers to problems.
Children will have multiple opportunities to have hands-on experiences and opportunities to learn about things that apply to their lives. Teachers will engage children in rich conversations and ask them open-ended questions as part of their intentional teaching lesson planning and interactions to expand on children’s learning.
Early Childhood Pre-K curriculum is about socio emotional practices for self-regulation, creating relationships and language development. A Pre-K classroom focuses on things like self-control and behavior in the class. Teachers help practicing how to wait your turn, how to share, how to deal with frustration and how to solve conflicts. Since early childhood, is the beginning of the development of socio emotional skills and the executive functions for self-regulation, staff in Pre-K programs continue supporting the skills that are just beginning to develop at preschool age.