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Program Expectations and Policies

  1. Each day upon arriving in the classroom you will need to have an adult (18 and older) sign your child in and out of the classroom. Please indicate on the sign in sheet if your child will be having home or school lunch.
  2. Please pick up your child on time. Children that have not been picked up after five minutes will be taken to the school office to wait for their parents.
  3. Please inform the teachers if you need to bring your child to school late or pick them up early.
  4. Children will need a light blanket and pillow for rest time. On Fridays, we will send home these items to be washed. Children are asked to bring a special stuffed animal or toy to rest with at rest time. All other toys should stay at home.
  5. In the event of snow, all families will be notified via Albuquerque Public Schools’ School Messenger phone messenger in the event of a two-hour delay or school closure. You can also check the APS website for information about delays and cancellations.
  6. Unless it is below freezing children will be going outside to play on a daily basis please dress your child accordingly with appropriate attire.
  7. Each family will participate in at least three (3) New Mexico Pre-K Family Connection Meeting/Events
  8. Pre-K staff will conduct at least one home visit as part of the enrollment process and complete a preschool home visitation form.
  9. The family will fill out the ASQ-3 and ASQ; SE-2 screenings discussed at the home visit and return questionnaires to school within a week. See screenings section.
  10. Sign in at the office and obtain a Visitor’s Badge each time you want to volunteer.
This page was last updated on: October 26, 2020.