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Records Requests

Information on high school transcripts, public records requests, employee records requests, requests for DACA documents and more.

Types of Records Requests

High School Transcripts

Transcripts show the date of birth, date of entrance, courses taken, grades received, and degrees granted. Transcripts are available for 90 years after graduation. Submit your request for through Parchment transcript service.

Requests for DACA Document

DACA, also known as Deferred Action for Early Childhood Arrivals (or the Dream Act), is for people who need documents from Albuquerque Public Schools verifying to the Department of Homeland Security U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, that they came to the United States before their 16th birthday. Applicants must be born after 1980 to qualify. Most requests take 45 days to be completed. Submit your DACA Documentation Requests.

Inspection of Public Records Requests

Albuquerque Public Schools follows procedures contained in the New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act (NMSA 1978, Chapter 14, Article 2) and the New Mexico Attorney General's published compliance guide. Learn more about Inspection of Public Records Requests.

Employee Records Requests

For employee records requests, contact the Human Resources Department or email the .

How Long are Records Retained?

Records are destroyed based on the Retention and Disposition Schedule.

Student Record Retention Schedule
Record TypeRecord Retention
Student Health and Immunization Records 10 years from the date of student's last attendance
Special Education Records After completion of special services, but not sooner than 5 years after completion of activities funded
Registration Records 2 years after the date of student's last attendance
Screening Evaluation 2 years after the date of student's last attendance
Counselor Notes 2 years after the date of student's last attendance
Correspondences 2 years after the date of student's last attendance
Program Participation 2 years after the date of student's last attendance
Other student records 2 years after the date of student's last attendance
Student’s attendance or absence record One year after the end of the school year
School census records One year after the end of the school year
Student accident and illness One year after the end of the school year
This page was last updated on: January 6, 2010.