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Visual Impairment Services

Special Education Department District programs are designed for students who have not exhibited success in a more inclusive setting.

Important Notice:

Placement in a District Comprehensive Support Services (DCSS) classroom must be determined by your child’s IEP Team. 

Services for students with visual impairments range from itinerant services for students who do not need daily and direct instruction from a Teacher of the Visually Impaired to students whose visual impairment is such that direct instruction in a classroom is necessary in order to address compensatory or adaptive skills that result from the visual impairment.  

The services include specialized techniques and instructional materials designed for students who are blind or visually impaired and are appropriate for students whose learning media assessment recommends the use of Braille instruction, orientation and mobility, and the expanded core curriculum for Blind and Visually Impaired Children. These may also include compensatory skills, the use of assistive technology and/or adapted equipment.


Johanna Lucero

Exceptional Student District Specialist


This page was last updated on: July 24, 2012.