Learning Resources
Find links to possible resources that may support families during remote learning.
Access Tools
Sign-in Quick Card for Co:Writer and Snap & Read Chrome Extensions (PDF)
Co:Writer Chrome Extension is a real-time writing assistant, aiding with phonetic and inventive spelling as well as grammar by providing topic-related vocabulary, word prediction, translation support, and speech recognition.
Snap&Read Chrome Extension aids users who may have difficulty reading content online. It reads text aloud, transforms images of text into readable text, simplifies vocabulary on a page, offers overlay and reading guides, and has a built-in outline tool.
- Snap&Read Quick Card (PDF)
- How to use Snap&Read PDF Annotator (Google Slides)
- APS Parent and Student UDL Tools Website
Adapted Physical Education Activities
- Stretching and Breathing Exercises
- Balance activities
- Fit Tac Toe
- Instant Activities for Upper Body
- Fun Physical Education Activities
Fine Motor, Gross Motor and Sensory Regulation Activities
- 20 gross motor activities for kids
- Gross motor activities
- Gross Motor Activities for Handicapped Children
General Fine/ Visual/ Sensory Motor Activities
Gifted Education Resources
Social Emotional
- APS Social Emotional Learning Resources
- Social Emotional Learning in Homes and Communities
- A Parent's Resource Guide to Social and Emotional Learning
- Mindfulness Activities
Speech and Language
- Speech TX
- Super Duper Inc (Apple Apps)
- Mommy Speech Therapy
- PrAACtical AAC
- Newsela
Additional Sites
View List of Additional Learning Sites.
This page was last updated on:
February 13, 2023.