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Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing Services

Important Notice

Placement in a District Comprehensive Support Services (DCSS) classroom must be determined by your child’s IEP Team.  

Hearing Impairment Services provides support throughout the district to students who have been diagnosed with a hearing loss that impacts educational performance.  Services may range from itinerant services to direct instruction in American Sign Language in one of the district specialized classrooms.

Itinerant services focus on supporting students who do not need direct instruction from a Teacher of the Deaf on a daily basis.  Itinerant Teachers of the Deaf provide instructional techniques and strategies to students and classroom staff, assist with IEP modifications and accommodations, and collaborate with the IEP Team to ensure the individual needs of the students are being met in their neighborhood schools.

A concentration of services for students with hearing loss  resulting in a  need for daily and direct instruction from a Teacher of the Deaf are provided at Hodgin Elementary School, McKinley Middle School, and Del Norte High School.  In addition to having onsite Teachers of the Deaf, these classrooms also provide audiological services, speech language therapy, and sign language interpreting to support the unique communication, language, and educational needs of students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. 



This page was last updated on: July 24, 2012.