Vincent Case - Environmental Education Resource Teacher (APS)
Vincent Case is an environmental education resource teacher employed by Albuquerque Public Schools.
"Mr. Case did a wonderful job informing and guiding my class through the Sandia Mountains."
"My kids really enjoyed working with Vince Case. He is a phenomenal teacher!"
About Vince
Vince Case has been with Albuquerque Public Schools since 2000 and began working at the SMNHC in the spring of 2010. With 30 years teaching experience from primary school to university, Vince continues to engage and motivate students as they learn in the Sandia Mountains and at the Los Padillas Wildlife Sanctuary. In addition, Vince co-founded and assists in facilitation of the APS Outdoor Learning Team, advocating for experiential outdoor learning on school campuses and in local areas within APS.
Originally from Maryland and after graduating from the University of Delaware, Vince moved to New Mexico in 1994 to teach on the Navajo Nation in Thoreau and Shiprock. For ten years, Vince then taught at School on Wheels Alternative High School in Albuquerque, where he and his students collaborated closely with the Bosque Ecosystem Monitoring Project, New Mexico Watershed Watch, the ABQ Water Utility Authority, and the Environmental Education Association of NM.
In 2006, Vince completed his Master’s Degree in education from the University of New Mexico. In 2009, Vince was awarded the Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching from President Obama. During the 2015-2016 school year, Vince and his family participated in a year-long sabbatical, living, teaching and going to school in Guayaquil, Ecuador. In 2021, he completed his PhD, focusing his dissertation on students’ perceptions of their outdoor learning experiences in contrast to classroom and online learning.